Chapter 12: Get the hell out!

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Madge's POV

Katniss and Gale arrive at Cato's house at last. Cato welcomes them inside and they sit down on the couch. We all sit there for a little bit until Annie says
"Do you guys wanna do something?" 
"I guess..." Johanna says. "I didn't come here for nothing" 
"So what are we gonna do?" Katniss asks
"I guess we could play a game" Peeta chimes in
"Sure, what game?" I say. Glimmer laughs
"Lets play truth or dare, for old times sake." we used to play truth or dare everyday after school, all of us. 
"I guess." Clove grumbles. "Glimmer, truth or dare" 
"Truth!" Glimmer perks up
"Why are you such a bitch-" 
"Okay! Finnick, you go first" Annie interrupts,  he nods. 
"Uhhh, Katniss, truth or dare" 
"Dare" Katniss says, without looking up. 
"Go skinny dip in the neighbors pool" Finnick chuckles. Katniss rolls her eyes and gets up.
"Easy" She smirks. We all go to the backyard where Kat climbs over the fence. She strips down to her bra and underwear and jumps in.

We all sit back down in the living room with Katniss, dripping wet and soaked to the bone. She's wrapped in a towel, smiling. 
"Glimmer." She says. "truth or dare?" 
"Who's the hottest guy here?" She tells her. Glimmer looks back and forth between Cato and Marvel. After a few minutes, Clove gets annoyed and screams
"Hurry up alread-" 
"Cato!" Glimmer says, proudly.
"Took you long enough" Johanna mumbles. 
"Madge!" Glimmer points at me. "Truth or dare!"
"Truth, I guess."
"Do you like anyone? If so, who is it?" she says. Uh oh.

Thresh's POV

The pain on Madge's face is easily visible. 
"Gale" She whispers. 
"Huh?" Glimmer says. What a jerk.
"Gale." She says a little bit louder
"Huh?" Glimmer says again.
"GALE!" Madge yells. I look over at Gale's face, frozen in shock. 
"Sorry Katniss.." Madge says. Katniss looks uncomfortable.
"Oh uh, we're uhm, we're not exactly together anymore." Everyone is taken aback and looks at them in surprise. 
"Oh, Katniss, we're so sorr-" Annie begins
"No, it's fine, we're chill." she tells us. All of us look over at Gale, who's face is frozen in shock while looking down. We all stay silent until I say
"Madge, choose someone" She quietly nods and points to Annie.
"Dare, please" huh, Annie never chose dare before, this day is full of surprises. 
"Lemme think" Madge says. After a few minutes she says "Change your profile picture on Panegram to an embarrassing photo" Annie laughs softly as Johanna gives her a picture that she took a while ago. She sends it to Annie and watches her while she changes it. We all go to her Panegram page and all howl in laughter except for Madge. I ask her if anything is bothering her but she shakes her head and says 
"Nothings wrong, I just don't have Panegram." Glimmer gasps. We all roll our eyes at the diva. 
"Why not?" Glimmer demands. Madge takes out her phone and we see that its a flip phone. 
"My phone doesn't let me" 
"But Angelisha has Panegram" Annie says
"I know, she has a smartphone." 
"Why don't you?" Asks Peeta
"Parents didn't get me one" Madge says as she shrugs it off. The game dies down pretty quickly as we lay down on the floor just staring up at the ceiling. Someone knocks on the door and Glimmer perks up to go answer it. 
"Hey Delly! Come on in!" She says, welcoming her inside. 
"Why the hell is Delly here?" Cato snorts. 
"Cause I invited her" Glimmer responds. 
"What?" Cato looks angry "You invited Delly to my house?"
"And Cordon!" She says as Delly moves aside to see Cordon and Gloss walking up.
"You invited Gloss?" Cato's shouting now. 
"No, Cordon invited both him and Cashmere." 
"What!?" Cato's fist clenches. I look over at Clove, her face already morphed into a death glare. 
"Ay yo! Cato! Wassup man!" Cordon shouts over.
"Cashmere said this might be a lame-ass party, so I invited the football team and Cash invited the cheer squad!" he says.

Cato's POV

I'm beyond angered. This was supposed to be a small get together with my old friends, but Glimmer invited a bunch of idiots to get wasted. I remember Clove and turn my head. Her face is in a death glare. She starts to run at Cashmere, probably to claw her eyes out, but I catch her just in time. Before long there are over 40 people in my house and people rummaging through my house. I walk into the kitchen and see people doing shots with my parents tequila, I try and stop them and I hear glass shatter from upstairs. I run up there to see a random girl just in her bra and underwear and immediately cover my eyes.
"What the hell!" 
"Sooooorry! I Brooooke the glooooss" She slurs.
"Ughhhhh!" I yell. I hear some banging in my room and thats when I snap. 
"EVERYONE GET OUT! GET OUT!"  Everyone turns to me. "GET THE HELL OUT OF MY HOUSE!" Some of the people start to move out. But most of them stay. I quickly walk down the stairs and start shoving people out. 

When everyone finally gets out I sigh and fling myself on the couch. I see another person coming towards me and I automatically shout
"Out. Get out." 
"Cato, it's me." Clove says
"Oh. Sorry about that Clover." She nods and comes to sit by me. I hear a door open upstairs and I jump up. 
"What the?" 
"What?" Clove asks
"I swear that door just opened." I slowly walk up the stairs with Clover trailing behind me. Out walks the same girl I saw earlier. Clover slaps her hand over my eyes. 
"Put some clothes on!" She screeches. She sludges back into the room and comes out wearing one of Cato's t-shirts. I manage to move Clover's hand and I shrug it off. 
"At least I don't see anything." I whisper to her. I walk into the room and see a guy with sweatpants on lying on the floor. Eugh. I push him out and finally, my house is empty.
"I hate Glimmer." Clove fumes. 
"I second that." 
"The people that she invited are assholes too." I smile at her. 

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