Chapter 6: I never stopped

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Glimmer's POV

Cashmere mass texted everyone about the party at her house on Friday, creating a small picture of a sentence. On it read, 

Friday @ 459 on District 1 Street, be there by 8 😉

She sent everyone the picture followed by a 

First drink on me!

I roll my eyes. First drink out of many I think. It's true. Once Maysilee Donner's (Who has the biggest, most wild parties.) Cashmere got drunk and the police showed up. She almost got arrested for underage drinking. 


I put on a strapless, tight glossy pink dress, and do my hair. I curl it and put half of it up in a pony tail. I then go to my makeup table and put on my makeup. Foundation, concealer, blush, eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara  and lip gloss, I see my fake eyelashes and think,
why not? I finish up my makeup and go downstairs. I'm about to go to the garage to get my car, and I remember I left my phone upstairs. I quickly run upstairs, and see my little brother, Ziyon, sitting on my bed ,on my phone. 
"ZIYON! GIVE ME MY PHONE!" I scream at him. He jumps up and off my bed and hides my phone behind his back.
"I don't have your phone." he says carelessly. "Really, keep track of your own stuff" I yank his arm so I can see and my pink glittery phone is in his hand. I snatch it away and say
"Were you looking through my texts again?" 
"No..." He says.
"Your so annoying!" I groan.
"Your going to a party and your going to drink!" Ziyon huffs.
"I'm not" I lie. "Cash is." Ziyon looks at me, unconvinced.
"Dinner's in the fridge, mom'll be home by 11. Don't forget to pack your stuff, we're going to dad's house tomorrow after school." He nods

I arrive at Cashmere's house and she kisses my cheek when she sees me.
"Love the outfit, Glim!" she smiles. Ugh, shes SO fake. I go inside to find Delly. I find her playing flip cup. I get in line to play and when I do, I win, surprisingly. Cashmere comes around to congratulate me
"Congras, Glimma!" I smell alcohol on her lips. "Nyew yoo cold dooo it!" She slurs. Eugh. I walk outside to leave since honestly, Cashmere's party is kinda lame this time. I'm outside to see Cato and Clove talking in hushed voices. 

Cato's POV

"Why are you here?" I ask Clove
"I could ask you the same thing." she huffs. 
"I'm here because I had to drive the football guys" I say.
"Your still at your ex's party!" 
"Why do you care if she's my ex?" She goes quiet. 
"I don't" she finally says.
"If you don't, then why are you here!" 
"I- My friend on the basketball team is here. She's drunk so I'm here to pick her up." she says in a rush. Cashmere was talking about who she invited at lunch. So I ask
"Who?" she looks around nervously and says
"Aliso Marson" I don't remember an Aliso Marson on Cashmere's list
"Cashmere never invited a Aliso Marson."
"You know that more people show up than the people that are invited." She says quietly. I nod.
"How'd you know she was dru-"
"I came here to apologize. And to make sure Cashmere wouldn't try something." she says and looks away. 
"Try what?" I sit down on the grass.
"Try, ya know, she's not gonna let go that easily, cause you guys were together for 2 years."
"I never liked her." She looks up at me, her eyes brimming with tears.
"You didn't?" I shake my head.
"Did you do it to make Glimmer jealous?" 
"No, I didn't like Glimmer either." She cocks her head
"Really? Then why?" I scratch the back of my head
"Well, we faked it, to uhm, make you jealous.." My voice fades. Clove's eye's widen in surprise.
"You liked me?" I shake my head, she shrinks.
"I never stopped." I say softly. She smiles and hugs me. 
"I didn't either" 

I'm on the 6th chapter and I already have writers block ._.

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