Chapter 7: Never thought I'd live to see that!

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Johanna's POV

"Annually, the Panem High science fair has been a choice of whether to work in pairs or individually. This year, the school district overlooking all 15 schools has decided it will be a group project, with 3 of you in each group. Per usual, each school will have a winner, but this year that project will be competing against the other 14 schools." Mr. Latier clicks to the next slide. 
"Here are your groups." I look up from my desk and stop drawing an axe on it. I find my name on it.

Johanna Mason, Peeta Mellark, Katniss Everdeen

Ughhhhhhh. Peeta? Fine. But Katniss? No. No no no no no no no. 
"Go sit with your partners." Mr. Latier says. I curse and find the counter area behind the desks where Katniss and Peeta have gathered. Peeta smiles at me and I return it with a flat one. But when Katniss smiles. I make sure to glare. We start brainstorming ideas.
"What about the effects of hurt in the central nervous system?" Peeta asks, looking up from his computer
"Effects of being hurt, sure, lets add it to the list" I snarl. Katniss looks up
"Okay, Jo, I get the fact your mad, and honestly I have no clue why, but you gotta suck it up and actually contribute!" she says at me.
"I'm sorry." I say sarcastically "I'm sorry the fact that that idea is so incredibly ironic I find it both amusing and practically insulting."
"What did I do to you!?" I roll my eyes.
"You ditched me on my big boxing match!" I yell
"I went there! I was all decked out and even had a sign that said Go Jo, Go! But when I got there, the door was locked and when I looked inside, there was nobody there!" She says back
"I texted you that the referee got a broken arm at the last moment and they couldn't find a replacement! It got rescheduled! Gosh!" She looks through her phone and goes to my contact. 
"That's my old number, you idiot! It stopped working! I told you I got a new phone number but I guess you were too busy mooning over Peeta when I told you!" Peeta looks confused. Katniss glares at me.
"Mooning over me?" He asks, clearly confused.
"Ya doof, Kat had a huge crush on you in middle school." I laugh. 
"Oh." is all he says
"I'm sorry I didn't go to your match, I really wanted to. I should have listened when you said you got a new number."
"Katniss Everdeen is apologizing? Never thought I'd live to see that!" I try to cover up my laugh, but it comes out anyway.
"Its true, Katniss, I think thats the first time I've ever heard you apologize." Peeta agrees
"'Ight! Stop ganging up on me! And lets choose another project, I don't think that one would work, Peeta." We end up thinking about climate change. And we decide on that as a topic. The bell rings and since Katniss and mines lockers are near each other, we walk together.
"Wanna sit with Gale and me?" she asks. I smile
"Thought you'd never ask." she returns my smile. We both grab our lunches and I follow her to their table, where a few loners are sitting and I scare them off. Gale sits there and brings Katniss into a hug and kisses her cheek.
"Jo's joining us, hope thats ok." Katniss says. Gale looks a little angry, but doesn't say anything.

Katniss's POV

I notice Clove and Cato were sitting next to each other today at lunch. They seemed close. I heard what happened between Cato, Clove, Cashmere and Madge, I didn't think Clove would forgive Cato that easily, but I guess he either did something to make it up or she shrugged it off. But thats not very Clove.
"Why is she here?" Gale whispers.
"We forgave each other. Technically, you should have no reason to hate her. I shouldn't have any reason to hate her. So leave it." I tell him. 
"I don't like her because she didn't like you. She hurt you too." I smile and reach my head back and give him a light peck on his lips. I turn around and gently slap his cheek.
"Hey whats that for!" he says
"For being so, you"
"Whats that supposed to mean?" he protests. I ignore his comment and ask Johanna
"Jo, I know I wasn't there, but did you win the match?" she shakes her head and says
"No, I was distracted looking for you and she got a KO" she laughs
"Sorry..." Gale gasps. "Oh my gosh, whats so bad about me apologizing?" Gale and Johanna glance at each other,
"You never apologize." Gale laughs
"One time you kicked Cato, and didn't say sorry." Johanna says
"It was an accident!" I protest
"You said it was cause he was teasing you about Peeta!" 
"Okay.. so I did kick Cato on purpose, but he deserved it!" I say. The bell that signals lunch is over rings and we all go our separate ways since I took the things I need for my next class with me. 

Short chapter but I really didn't think it needed another POV for this chapter. Ok, baiiiii

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