Chapter 4: Excuse me?

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Cato's POV

I wake up and sit on the edge of my bed. I remember yesterday and realize that I'm not friends with any of the guys in my "group" Gloss, eugh, Cordon, ugh, ect. Mom knocks on my door and says
"Cato, sweetie, you have 45 minutes until you have to leave." 
"Okay" I say. I get ready and at 6:50 I'm in the car. I usually pick up Cashmere, but she texted me that she was going with Gloss or something. I arrive at school and I see Clove on the floor, Cashmere right next to her laughing and yelling at her. My first intention is just to leave it, but i remember something that Clove said
"I know Cashmere's your girlfriend and all, but you and I both know that what she did was way wrong! Whats wrong with you!" 
And I snap.
"Cashmere!" I yell
"Baby! I'm just teaching Clove a lesson for crossing me." She replies smiling
"Shut up Cashmere! I can't believe you treat people like this! I've stood here for years just listening, but not anymore! We're over Cashmere!" I can see Clove smirking
"Excuse me?" Cashmere looks surprised
"You heard me Cash." I walk over to Clove and help her up.
"Thanks" She says. I smile and nod at her. And she returns my smile. I haven't seen that smile in 3 years. 
"Fine! You don't deserve me!" Cashmere storms off and Clove and I snicker behind her
"You have bio next right?" I ask, she nods
"I'm in your class"
"Wanna walk together?" she doesn't respond, but starts walking and looks back at me. I quickly catch up to her.
"I'm sorry for being an observer for so long, I should have helped Madge." she nods at me, I don't know what else to say, so we walk to class in silence. She sits in the front of the class, I, sit in the back. As she sits down she gives me a flat smile and somehow, I know that I'm not forgiven.

Johanna's POV

I'm sitting in bio waiting for the lesson to start when Clove and Cato walk in together, thats strange. They've barely said hello to each other for like, 4 years. But like always, I'm too busy finding a spot to put my gum under the desk to care. After class and getting called out by Mr. Boggs (He wants us to call him that) for sticking gum under the table, (but like, I do it everyday so why isn't he surprised?) I walk to my next class, math, with Mr. Abernathy. ugh. 
"Todaiiii weiiii wallll be lourning calkulous" he slurs.
"Uh, Mr. Abernathy, we already learned calculous" someone in the front calls. What a nerd.
After about 20 minutes Mr. Abernathy faints down on the floor. He reeks of alcohol. We all just leave early. While packing up my stuff, Katniss bumps into me. Eugh, 
"Oh, uh sorry Johanna." She mutters
"Yeah whatever." I murmur. She barely thinks she does anything wrong, another reason why I stopped being friends with her. I'd invited her to my boxing match, but she didn't show. She didn't apologize either. That boxing match was super important to me, since if I won it would've been my ticket to nationals. I lost. I was so distracted looking for Katniss I didn't take note of what my opponent was doing and they got a KO. I ignored Katniss for so long I'm not even friends with all the other people we used to hang out with. I'm still mad at her to this day. 

Finnick's POV

There was no room at my usual table with Delly's crew. So I sat down at a random table. People started sitting next to me, across from me sat Annie and down the table was Peeta. Oh. I sat down at the book huggers table. I mean book club. Back at Delly's table we call them the book huggers. Annie looks up at me. Coldly. I smile but her face doesn't move except for a quarter of a second her face shows anger. Huh. 
"What book are you reading?" I ask her. She lifts up her book cover to reveal the words The Giver right. That was her favorite book.
"Cool" I smile but she rolls her eyes. Ouch, she never used to roll her eyes.

Annie's POV

Finnick's sitting across me instead of his usual table. I wonder why, he's trying to make conversation but it's so annoying. I roll my eyes and surprise even myself. I didn't even know I could. But I don't care. Finnick deserves it. He knows what he did. He knows what made me stop our friendship. 
"Why are you rolling your eyes at me?" He asks
"Why?" I laugh "Did you forget what you did?" 
"Yeah! Cause I never did anything"
"You forgot that you didn't show at my first party?" Finnick looks confused
"You canceled it though"
"What? No I didn't! That party was everything, I was finally coming out of my shell!" my voice is starting to rise
"I got a text from you that said your parents decided that they didn't want you to have a party!" he yells
"I never texted you that!" I argue
"Then who did?" he pulls out his phone (phones are allowed at lunch for us )and goes to our chat. He shows me my latest text
Heyyyyy my lame parents aren't letting me throw my party, so don't come
"I never sent that, and I would never say that" I tell him. I take out my phone, and show him it.
"Go to the number" I tell him. He presses my profile and its a completely other number. 
"Hey, I think that's Gloss's number" Finnick says "Check" I say. He goes to Gloss's contact, who he probably got from playing football.
"Yep. That's Gloss's number, but how did he change it?" I ask him
"He's on the football team with me. I played then too. He must have changed it when I was showering or something" I nod. There's no need to be mad at Finnick anymore. 
"Sorry I didn't come to your party." he says
"It's okay, it wasn't your fault, Finnick" he and I smile at each other. I go back to reading, suddenly, Finnick asks
"Does that mean we're friends again?" I nod. The bell signaling lunch is over rings, I gather my things and Finnick does the same. I walk to my locker and he walks to his.

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