Chapter 11: Such a bit-

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Clove's POV

My phone dings while I'm doing my homework. I ignore it and get back to my homework. 

I wake up and realize I'm at my desk. Ding! I check my phone and find out that it's my old groupchat.

Glimmer: I'm so sorry for taking Cashmere's advice.
At the time, I thought it was good advice,
I'm sorry for being the domino that caused
us all to fall.

Annie: It's okay, Glimmer!

Finnick: Your fine, Glim.

Peeta: It's ok! You didn't mean for
all this to happen!

Madge: Yeah, ig its alright.

Ugh. Glimmer is such a bit-
"Clove Kentwell, if you way that word you are grounded for 3 months" I didn't even notice I said that out loud. Or that my mom was standing over me.
"Mom!" she smiles. She used to hug me when she came back, but she eventually realized that I hate most people's hugs.
"How's Castor been?" I frown. 
"Fine, I guess..." 
"Whats going on?" she says, sighing.
"Castor literally acts like he's my dad"
"Honey, Castor is apart of our family-"
"Apart of your family." 
"Clove." I roll my eyes. Castor will never be my family.
"What? He's your husband. He's not my dad!" 
"Castor is your stepfather!" 
"Step! Step!" I argue
"Your father is dead, I told Castor try to be your father, because he's a hell of a better dad than your father ever was!" I flinch. She's never said that about Dad before
"Clove, I-" I don't listen to her. I grab my phone and run down the stairs and out the door. I go to the first place I can think of. I pound on the door. Cato's mom answers
"Clove?" I nod. "Cato! Come down here!" He walks down with his hair messy and he's not wearing a shirt. 
"Clover?" He asks sleepily. "What are you doing here?"
"Can I come in?" I say quietly. My voice doesn't sound like me. 
"What's going on?" He asks as I sit on his bed.
"I just don't want to be home right now." I tell him.
"Isn't your mom home? I saw an airport taxi pass by my house." 
"Yeah shes home"
"Is it Castor?" 
"Sort of, can I stay here for a while?" He nods.

Cato's POV

I know somethings wrong, Clove never wastes time with her mom. She knows her mom will be on the first flight out the next morning. I lay out a sleeping bag on the ground for me. 
"I'll sleep on the ground." she tells me
"No way, don't worry, you sleep on the bed and I'll sleep on the floor." we argue for a bit but in the end I win. She yawns and climbs into bed.
"Clover, your not wearing the clothes you wore today to sleep, are you?" 
"Well what else would I wear?" She asks, laughing. I dig through my dresser until I find my smallest shorts and shirt. I hand it to her and turn around while she changes. 
"You can look now" she giggles. They're both huge on her. She stands up and the shorts go to her knees and the shirt goes way past her waist. She climbs into the bed and is asleep within minutes. I find my place on the floor. 

I jolt awake.
"Aghhhhh!" I yell. I see Clove fall to the floor, laughing. The cold water that jolted me awake has settled but the ice goes down my pants and I shimmy around until its out. When all of them are out I sigh in relief, and turn to Clove, who is still in a fit of giggles. She gets up still laughing, 
"So-sorry Cato, I can't that was too funny" she says. I turn my back and pretend to be mad. She stops laughing to comfort me. 
"Oh, Cato, I'm sorr-" I turn around to tickle her and 2 seconds in she punches my face. I hold my nose, which is gushing with blood. She backs away from me. 
"I'm sorry. I guess I should go, I don't want to hurt you any more than I have." She says so quietly I can barely hear her. 
"No, Clover, it's okay, you don't have to go." She looks at me to make sure I mean it. And I do. Some time passes. And an idea pops into my head.
"Hey, why not we invite someone over?" Clove's eyes don't leave the floor.
"Sure, who?" I scroll through my texts an my eyes land on the group chat with all our old friends.
"How about them?" I show her the phone. Her eyes remove them self from the ground to the phone.
"I guess. But not Glimmer she's a bi-" Clove begins, but my little sister, Clarie comes in. 
"Clovie!" She screams, running into Clover's arms. 
"Hi Clarie!" Clove laughs while embracing her. 
"Cmon, Clover, Glimmer's 'part of the group!" Clove groans, but agrees.

Do ya'll wanna come over? 
I text into our group chat. Everyone else must be feeling bored as well, because everyone agrees. The first to arrive, much to Clove's displeasure is Glimmer. 
"Hey!" she says, hugging me. "It's been so long!" Clove stands behind me.
"Clove!" Glimmer squeals. She squeezes Clove but Clove shoves her off as nicely as possible. Soon, everyone except Katniss and Gale are here.

Gale's POV

I look over at Katniss and take her head. She moves her hand away from mine.
"What's wrong?" She doesn't say anything, Katniss is not someone to keep secrets from me.
"Katniss. Tell me, you can tell me anything" She looks up at me
"Promise you won't be mad?" Katniss asks me.
"I-I don't think we should stay together." she says quietly, I'm and taken aback. 
"Oh." I don't know what to think, am I angry? I'm not sure, am I sad? I don't know. 
Turn right     the GPS tells me. I turn,
"I'm sorry, Gale." She says. It takes me a while to find the right words.
"I just don't understand why." She doesn't answer me. We arrive at Cato's house but stay in the car.
"It just doesn't feel the same way it did." I nod.
"I guess I understand. I love you, and I want you to be happy, even if its not with me." I say. She turns to me, relieved.
"Gale, thank you." she says hugging me. Even though we might not be together anymore, we both know we will remain friends.

A/N I told ya Everlark shippers, it wouldn't last too long

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