Chapter 10: Thud

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Cashmere's POV

Gloss's eyes show anger.
"What?" Katniss asks
"We ruined you all, Gloss changed the phone number in Finnick's phone, I paid some guys to beat up Peeta and Marvel, Gloss broke the referee's arm, and I gave Glimmer the idea to fake the relationship with Cato! The rest was easy, you were so easy to break, some of it being the fact that you left with one another, and that you all just left, drifted, really, I thought it'd be harder!" I scoff. The look on their faces include shock, and confusion, and it makes the look on Gloss's face worth it.

Madge's POV 

Everyone's face is either shocked, confused, or angry. Cashmere laughs when she sees them.
"Bu-but why?" Annie sputters
"Because! You all started that rumor of me-" Cashmere keeps on talking but I'm lost in thought. It's all her fault. It's Gloss and Cashmere's fault that I lost all my friends. I still don't know exactly why Cato called me a loser, but for all I know, it has something to do with Cashmere and Gloss. 
"It was your fault!" I scream. Everyone turns to look at me
"Your the reason I lost everyone!" I feel anger rising. Cashmere laughs and says
"Yeah, whatcha gonna do about it?" before I'm aware of what I'm doing my fist meets her face. My palm flies to my open mouth, unable to comprehend what I just did. Everyone stares at me. Then they glances at Cashmere, who is sprawled on the ground like she's about to die. Ms. Trinket see's her lying on the ground and must've heard the thud that Cashmere made when she fell to notice her this early. She says
"That is ma-" 
"yeah, yeah, mahogany, you say that at least 3 times a day." Johanna rolls her eyes while saying this.  Ms. Trinket quickly makes her way over to our group, she bends down to see if Cashmere is alright, she stands up a moment later.
"I can't believe I'm saying this, Madge, but you should know much better than this! This day is about kindness and bonding, but you just attacked a potential friend!" Ms. Trinket exclaims. Johanna chuckles
"Potential friend? Your kidding me." Says Johanna 
"I can assure you I am not kidding, Ms. Mason" Ms. Trinket scoffs. "Madge, go to Vice Principal Coin's office!" I turn around and walk out of the gym, I turn back to see Ms. Trinket crouching over Cashmere.

I knock on Vice Principal Coin's door. 
"You may enter" she says, I open the door and see her organizing some papers at her desk. 
"Madge?" Vice Principal Coin looks surprised. I nod at her. 
"Sit down, Madge" she gestures towards one of the two seats across from her. I take one and she asks
"So tell me, Madge, why are you here?" I fumble with my bracelet, it's a friendship bracelet Angelisha made me when we were little. She took her's off years ago.
"I punched Cashmere..." I mumble. Her eyes widen,
"Why'd you do that?" 
"She um, she's the reason I lost my friends." I say as quietly as possible. I hope she doesn't ask anything about the situation, but thankfully, Vice Principal Coin is very understanding, biased, but she's understanding.  
"Now, I won't ask about it, you don't want to talk about it, do you?" I shake my head. "What you did was wrong, and you know the rules, violence is not tolerated." Or it's the fact that Cashmere is one of your favorite students and also happens to be your niece. Johanna beats people up all the time and all you do it turn a blind eye. I think.
"You will be suspended for 3 days" I want to protest but I don't want anymore days. So I nod.
"I'll call your parents and you'll be escorted. You will be allowed back at school on Friday." 
"Friday? Today is Monday!" I exclaim without thinking.
"The day you are taken out of school does not count. You will be suspended Tuesday through Thursday." She says calmly. I huff as she types on her computer to find my parents number. 
"Hi! How are you? Good? Great! This is Vice Principal Coin from Panem High. Unfortunately, your daughter Madge has been suspended and will be allowed again at school on Friday, I will need you to pick her up as soon as possible." She talks into the phone. "Okay! Thank you, bye!" she clicks off the phone and tells me
"Your parents will be coming for you in 20 minutes. You will wait here meanwhile." 

**Later at home

The door swings open and Angelisha looks at me on the couch. My parents already lectured me, and went back to work.
"Hey! If it isn't my sister who beat up the school slut!" She laughs as she slides onto the couch next to me.
"I didn't beat her up! I threw one punch!" I tell her.
"Your the talk of the school! Everyone's been saying 'Hey! Did you hear the loser beat up Cashmere?'" She throws her head back in laughter. "For once I'm proud of you, baby sis!"

Glimmer's POV 

I can't believe Madge, Madge of all people punched Cashmere, I'd expect Katniss, Johanna or Clove to do that. But defiantly not Madge. I sit in front of my homework lost in thought when I realize Cashmere tipped me like a domino. I took her advice and me tipping caused our whole group to fall. I take out my phone and click on the messages app. It takes a while to scroll to find out group chat but I find it.

I'm so sorry for taking Cashmere's advice. 
At the time, I thought it was good advice, 
I'm sorry for being the domino that caused 
us all to fall.

I put down my phone and finish my homework. By the time I finish my homework I have 7 messages. 3 are from the groupchat.

♡Annie♡: It's okay, Glimmer!

🍬Finnick🍬: Your fine, Glim.

🍞PitaBread🥖: It's ok! You didn't mean for 
all this to happen!

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