Chapter 14: Projects & Cookies Galore

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Madge's POV

I've been back at school for some time now. Katniss and Johanna invited me to sit with them, which I, of course said yes. It's been a while since I had someone to sit with, apparently, Gale invited Thresh and Finnick too. Annie is here, it feels like old times. Almost. We all laugh, for a while its just us 7. But over time Cato and Clove join us too. And eventually Marvel. Peeta too. Glimmer tries to sit with us a few times, but gives up when none of us will talk to her, I tried to make some conversation, but Clove kept on giving me a look, and Annie was elbowing me. Gale and I got assigned to do a History project together. I try to make it less awkward but I don't think Gale is. 

"Gale you can at least do part of the work." I bluntly tell him, he doesn't look up from his phone.
"Gale. I'm not doing this entire project by myself." No response. 
"Gale! If you're not gonna help me, then get out of my house!" He raises his eyebrows. He sighs and kneels down by me 
"What do you need me to do?" 
"Well we're doing the art option-"
"Hang on, when did we decide on the art option?" 
"Yesterday. I asked you if we could do the art option and you went mhmm" 
"Well I don't want to do the art option anymore, give me the sheet that we got in class." Handing over the paper we got in class, he says
"I want to do the presentation, not art"
"Well then what am I supposed to do with the art supplies I bought?" 
"I don't know, return them? All I know is that I'm not going to paint the history of Panem onto a damn canvas." 
"Like a presentation is much better." 
"A presentation will actually teach you something, what is a painting supposed to do?" 
"A picture is worth a thousand words, but I doubt you even know a thousand words" 
"The minimum of the presentation is 15 slides, with 75 words on each slide, along with at least one picture. And like you said, a pictures is worth a thousand words." 
"Ugh." I huff. We sit there in silence until Gale gets up and starts to pack his things. 
"Where are you going?" 
"Home since we aren't going to get anything done." I don't tell him to come back until an idea pops into my head. 
"Wait. I've painted some of the presidents for projects, if you make the slides, instead of having to steal some pictures online, I can paint them." He turns around. Walks up to me, and plops himself down again. 

Katniss' POV

Finals. Finals. Finals. It's the only thing the teachers talk about. I have a huge project in History, an exam in math (which will be easy, since Mr. Abernathy is the teacher), a lab exam in science, and another test in biology. I only have math to study for, so I decide to take a break. I spread out onto my bed and think, I deserve a nap
"KATNISSSSS" Prim screams. I jolt awake. I've barely been asleep for 4 minutes. 
"What." I say grouchily. 
"I have a classroom party tomorrow and I forgot that I told my teacher that I would bring cookies." 
"Why the hell do you have a party" 
"To celebrate the almost end of the semester! Can you please help me make some cookies?" 
"Prim can't we just run to the store and buy some?" 
"No! I told Rue that I was making them from scratch!" 
"Well Rue can't tell the difference, can she?" 
"Yes. She. Can. Now get up and start helping me" She drags me out of bed and I stumble down the stairs. 
"Go get a recipe online." 
"Ok!" She quickly runs upstairs to get my phone and comes back down. She holds it up to me and I enter the password. She searches for a cookie recipe and she says 
"Four cups of flour!" I spend the rest of the night helping her make cookies, when they come out, she slaps my hand when I go to taste one. 
"Hey! I helped you make them! Technically, I did all the work, you just read me the recipe." 
"Fine." I grab one and its piping hot. Prim laughs while I play hot potato with the cookie, I shoot her a glare and finally bite into the cookie, while the outside has cooled down, the inside is still hot. 
"HASHAHSHAHSH" I yelp, Prim falls to the ground laughing. I fling the cookie onto the counter and say 
"I have to get back to studying. You clean up." She instantly is up, 
"But I just read you the recipe." She grumbles. 
"Exactly." I tell her, bolting up the stairs. 

A/N Sorry its kinda short, I'm working on another story rn but I wanna get a few chapters done before releasing it, anyways thanks for reading

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