4. Bright Eyes | CRIMSON

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Title of the Book: Bright Eyes
Author: _lazarein
Reviewed by: loverich_WP
Pages Read: 7
Score: 8/10


I love the minimalistic style of your cover. It gives me that chilly vibe, and it's very fitting with your story. Good job.

Your synopsis clearly shows the genre of your work. However, there are a few issues with how it was constructed. If you're going to edit it, please do refrain from using double dashes, a single one would do. Generally, I love that I wasn't that revealing, which is a plus because your readers will end up wanting for more.


PLAYLIST. I love your choice of songs for your story. I know a couple of them, and I listened to some that weren't familiar. They do give off that dark fantasy mood. 

NAMES. II don't know how many times I would be saying this but thank you so much for not using extra-long names. They just confuse the hell out of me sometimes. Imagine this, using Charles in the first few chapters, then Keith on the next, just for me to find out that they're the same person with the name, Charles Keith Francis Mason Green V. Skywater. 

PLOT. Your plot matches with your genre, and I can claim that just being 7 chapters in. May I also emphasize that I love how unique your story is. It's not your run-of-the-mill fantasy novel. Keep that imagination running.

WORDS. I highly appreciate the simplicity of your sentence/paragraph construction. It has the right amount of flowery words and metaphors. I love it. It's very pleasing to read.

GRAMMAR. There are a couple of lapses with your subject-verb agreement, nothing you can't fix. Some words are missing, and don't worry, that's a typographical error even the best of the best authors commit. Again, be mindful of your tenses. Just a bit of editing, and you can clean up your masterpiece.


Thank you for trusting me with your work. I know how important it is to you, and I hope giving my insights about it helps when you do decide that is time for some edits. I'm excited to read the rest of it and thank you for that amazing world you've created. Cheers to opening up more worlds!

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