9. Hand written poems | LIA

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Name of the book: Heart-written poems
Name of the author: Lone_Wolf-
Chapters I read: 10
Reviewer: musings21
I rate you : 7.5/10

Cover: Beginning with the cover, I would like to say that a change in it would be more beneficial to you. It isn't that attractive to the eye.

Description: The poems are good. Short and simple. They are really easy to read and comprehend which is a plus point, because I believe poetry that has too many fancy words makes it difficult for some to understand and eventually interest is lost.

I'd recommend you to use metaphors though. A bit of unexpected surprise to the poems will make your writing style more unique.

Presentation: Your poems are very well presented. I love the layout. Another thing I liked was the poet's note it engages the reader and also makes them understand the poem through your perspective.

Orignality: The poems are very original. The theme of each poem is brilliantly painted. A reader gets the concept of what you mean and every poem is fresh and new. Thus making it entertaining.

Style/creativity: You are creative with your poems but I do feel that the "Wow" factor is missing. It feels like a void. Try to add more to your poems. Be a little more descriptive. The poems should hit the reader's heart.

Grammar/punctuation: okay so here's something important you need to note down:-

1) check your spellings, some of them are improper, You can correct them on revision.
2) Avoid using short forms.

Otherwise the other punctuations are good enough

Clarity of imagery and language: The usage of metaphors is required since I feel it lacks imagery. The expression through language is amazing but I feel there needs to be more life to the poems I hope you understand what I mean.

Overall expression: My favourite poem was Red and Black from your book. Also you have a brilliant grip in your rhymes which is really impressive.
Just take a note with respect to the spellings, short forms and try using more descriptive and metaphor words.

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