Chapter Two: ANNABETH

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Annabeth's alarm clock beeped faintly, jolting her wake. She hadn't had any bad dreams that night which was rare, nonetheless Annabeth was extremely grateful. She peered at Percy through the iris message, still asleep back home and after watching him peacefully, she slashed through the message, ending the call. She quietly changed into shorts, a fresh t-shirt and sneakers, brushed her hair and her teeth and made it out of her cabin by 4:15 without waking the other campers. She had temporarily promoted Malcom, her half brother, to head counselor while she was gone so she didn't have to wake the others up. She grabbed a waffle at the pavilion and ran to meet the others at the van.

Leo, Grover and Argus were standing outside the van at the top of the hill waiting for the others when she made it. Grover was speaking to his girlfriend Juniper, who he had to leave unfortunately because she was a woods nymph. And Argus was applying eyedrops to all 200 of his eyes. Annabeth sat down, propping herself up against the van beside Leo. She turned to look at him.

"How are you doing?" She asked, she had forgotten to talk to him yesterday after seeing him skeptical at war council and scolded herself for not remembering.

"Good." He stared ahead twisting a bolt up and down a screw in his hands.

"Whats wrong?" Annabeth pushed.

Leo sighed and turned to face her, "Calypso. I haven't seen her in a few weeks. I'm starting to get worried."

Just then the others scrambled up the hill.

"Hey guys, ready to go?" Jason climbed into the van with Piper trailing behind him.

"Sure," Annabeth shot a look at Leo that she hoped said, let's talk later. She climbed in behind Jason and Piper and sat next to Leo and Olivia while grover climbed into the passengers seat beside Argus.

The drive was about two hours so Annabeth slept using her backpack as a pillow.

When they arrived at the apartment complex located on the upper east side, they hauled their luggage up the steps to where Chiron had apparently bought the third and fourth floors. Apparently Annabeth had underestimated the camps strawberry sales. Of course they had some help from Camp Jupiter who had received numerous large donations from the citizens in New Rome. But wow the apartment was nice. The architecture was a cross between modern/20th century and full Ancient Greek. Annabeth could see why Chiron chose this place. The first floor consisted of a decent sized kitchen, living room, decent sized library/office(which Annabeth was excited to see), dining room and another room that seemed to have been a second dining room but was converted into a training room.

The next floor had a rectangular hallway that looped around with doors labeled one through seven on the exterior walls. A large room was in the center of the rectangular hallway space. Annabeth peaked her head inside and it had seemed to be a theater room, complete with comfy chairs and a popcorn machine. The house was simply decorated with a hodgepodge of colors and no clear theme. The couches were white, the chairs were black, the kitchen was gray with blue cabinets.

When Annabeth walked into her room, number four, it was simple, the way she liked it. Gray and white with a queen sized bed. A desk in the corner with empty blueprints and plenty of books. She opened her closet and saw a few articles of clothing that weren't hers but she assumed were gifts from her mother or Chiron. She glance up and thought thanks mom. The room was spacious and large, much much bigger than her bunk space back at camp. It was a little bigger than her cabins main room at camp. She opened the door to her bathroom, which was complete with a shower.

After unpacking, she peeked into the others rooms. She stopped by Leos room first at the end of the hallway. It was filled with machines and a workbench with lots of empty space for building. It was about the same size as Annabeth's. He seemed to be giving Jason a rundown of what he planned to build in the space. Annabeth wondered how Chiron managed to make their rooms fit their personalities so well.

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