Chapter Six: OLIVIA

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Olivia woke up to her own alarm clock at 6:30. Most of her dorm mates waited for Annabeth to come by and wake them up, but Olivia liked being on her own schedule. She popped out of be with alarming speed and took a ten-minute-cold-shower. Afterwards she put on camo leggings and a gray sweatshirt and pulled her shoulder length brown hair back into a ponytail. She headed up to the roof of the apartment complex grabbing a to-go cereal box from the kitchen on her way. She bounded up the stairs two at a time until to reached to top. The roof was flat and gray, overlooking the Manhattan skyline with fences lining the perimeter(thank the gods). She walked over to the corner while the wind stung her cheeks and picked up the soccer ball that she had left overnight. She brought it to the middle of the roof and began to kick it against the metal fence. Olivia planned to ask the soccer coach today for a tryout, but she had to make sure she was ready. She kicked and dribbled the ball for about an hour, pretending that the various aluminum tubes and large metal boxes jutting up from the floor were defenders. When her watched beeped to tell her it was 7:00, Olivia had a thin layer of sweat on the back of her hair, but the cold wind dried it up within seconds. She bounded back down the steps to take a second 5-minute shower to wash her face. Afterwards she headed downstairs with her stuff to greet the others and go to school.

The others still half-asleep, were eating breakfast when Olivia bounded in, ready to go. They left at 7:10 and headed to school. When they arrived, they greeted Percy and his friends in the hall. The first bell rang shortly after and Olivia headed to her first class. Yesterday, her Pre-Calculus teacher had been pretty easy on her, letting her take the time to catch up to the group. Even though her dad had taught her most of this stuff when she was 12 years old, being the annoying genius he was, Olivia was a slow learner and had never been to a real high school. She wasn't some tech wizard like her dad. She may know the stuff but she probably couldn't explain it to someone very well without having to backtrack a dozen times to walk herself back through the concept. Nonetheless, today, Olivia was determined to do well in the class. She began to walk in the direction when Charles ran up beside her.

"Hey wait up. I have Pre-Calc too." Olivia was well aware of this. Yesterday, Percy and Charles had both been in her class, Percy had been assigned to help her out. While Charles sat by himself, taking notes.

"Oh, yeah. I forgot." She looked at his dark blue eyes that complimented his pale complexion well. He was short, only a couple inches taller than her, but he radiated a positive energy that made Olivia smile whenever he greeted her. "What about Percy?"

"Oh, he's walking Annabeth and then he'll meet us." He maintained the same intent eye contact as usual. As if trying to signal that she had his full attention. It was startling, but Olivia appreciated it.

Olivia rolled her eyes. "Ugh. Those two are inseparable."

Charles let out a small chuckle. "You have no idea, Annabeth has been the main subject of plenty of conversations. Most of which consisted of someone asking Percy for his number, him replying that he has a girlfriend, me stepping forward letting her know that I don't and her running away nervously because of my height."

Olivia laughed, "C'mon no way."

"Yep, unless we're sitting down somewhere where my height isn't noticeable, most girls steer clear."

Olivia shook her head in disbelief. Theres no way that the charming, handsome English guy hardly gets girls because of his height. Olivia never even noticed it until a while after they had met. "Percy mentioned that you play soccer."

He made a face. "Yeah, unfortunately the team isn't very good so we never win really. Fortunately, that means that I default to team captain."

Olivia beamed. "And that ones co-ed right. Guys and girls on the team."

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