Chapter Twenty One: PERCY

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Percy awoke to the natural light streaming through the big windows in Annabeth's room. Annabeth was hugging Percy tightly, a small smile on her face and her eyelids fluttering like the was dreaming pleasantly.

He looked down and swiped his thumb over the bruises on her neck. They were deep shades of purple, red and black. He blinked back a tear thinking about Annabeth attempting to escape the clutches of whoever had attacked her. He wanted Annabeth to report it as sexual assault but he knew she was right. It wouldn't do her much good and she was clearly too traumatized to try to make it through a court session of people telling her she was lying.

Percys sadness had a slight twinge of anger to it. He wanted to go to the assaulters apartment and give them worse bruises than he gave Annabeth. But Percy stifled down his anger, to support her. Annabeth was strong, someone must've used a lot of force on her if she couldn't break away.

Annabeth's eyes fluttered open and turned to look at Percy. "Hi. How are you feeling?"

"Okay." She said.

He squeezed her her hand with love and kissed her wrists gently where they had been cut and bruised.

"I'm ready." She said.

"Ready for what wise girl?"

"I'm ready to tell you what happened."

A sigh of relief passed over Percy. He didn't want to push her to tell him, but he had to know what happened. "I love you."

"I love you too Percy. You ready?"

He nodded and kissed her on the forehead. Annabeth was still hugging him, looking up into his eyes.

"We were at the cafe getting breakfast. This guy, Clint, kept looking at me weirdly and staring." Percy already hated this guy, anger boiled his his blood, but he just stroked Annabeth's hair which calmed him down. "I tried my best to ignore him, but I guess I kept glancing at him because I was weirded out and eventually he came over to our table. He asked for my number and I said that I was sorry and I wasn't looking for a relationship. And that I had a boyfriend. He was super polite and left. He kept staring at me weirdly the rest of breakfast. Then we were at the end of our meal and I went to use the bathroom. He followed me and was there when I came out. He was super sweet and understanding before, so when he told me he had to show me something outside, I-I followed him into the courtyard. He starting kissing me and I pushed him away. I guess he got the impression that 'I didn't want a relationship' meant 'I want to hookup with you but I can't let my boyfriend and friends know'." Percy could hear her voice shaking but he couldn't see her face. Her voice sent vibrations through his chest. "Then he backed me into the corner and started kissing me again. He stood on my feet so I couldn't move my feet and his hands trapped my wrists above my head, pushing them into the brick wall. I kept my mouth sealed shut but he kept sucking on my lips and neck. I was so helpless." She was crying now. "I-Percy if I didn't get away, he- I think he would've raped me." She choked out the words.

Percy fumed with anger. Would he really have raped her? He shuddered at the thought. His voice came out gentle. "Hey, hey, it's okay. He's gone. I won't let him get to you ever again. Never."

"Percy... I had to kiss him back to get away. I'm sorry." She said in a small voice.

"Don't be sorry. If it helped you get away from him, I don't care. I just care that you're okay." It was true but still, the thought of Annabeth kissing some other guy made him jealous. "What he did to you, I can't imagine how that must've felt. I love you."

"Thank you. I love you too. C'mon lets get ready for school, Seaweed Brain."

Once they had showered and gotten dressed for the day. They walked into the kitchen where they found the others sitting at the dinning room table. They walked over got bowls of cereal and sat down to join them. Annabeth sat with Olivia and Charles to her left and Percy to her right.

"Gods Annabeth what happened to your neck?" Piper asked, reaching over the table and moving the hand that was covering a section that was extra purple and black.

"Holy shit!" Jason said and made a grab for one of her wrists that was cut and bruised. "Percy, you didn't do this to her right?"

Annabeth looked at Olivia and Percy pleading for help. A single tear ran down her face.

"Gods no Jason. I would never." He said, squeezing Annabeth's hand under the table.

"Annabeth are you okay? Who did this to you?" Jason asked first concerned and then boiling with anger.

Annabeth was too shocked to respond.

Charles saved the silence. "It's a long story and I'm sure Annabeth doesn't want to talk about it. Let's all head off to school before were late."

Every got up but Annabeth gave Percy a hug. "Gods, Percy, our own friends thought you did this to me. What will people at school think?"

"It doesn't matter. You're beautiful with or without the bruises. If you need to, we can try to cover it up with some makeup."

She nodded and they headed for her room.

Percy had completely moved in, as it looked like Charles would be staying for a bit, Annabeth sat on the thick rim of the bathtub while Percy kneeled in front of her with a tube of Annabeth's concealer.

He fumbled with the cap, which made Annabeth laugh. He gave her a goofy grin as he squeezed some of the substance onto his hands.

He began to layer it on her neck carefully. When he was done, he pulled away and frowned.

"Whats wrong?" Annabeth asked.

"You can see the makeup still." The large area that Percy had covered up was a slightly different color that Annabeth's skin, making the patch visible.

She laughed. "You have to blend it out, seaweed brain." She handed him a small foam block in the form of a teardrop. "Here use the big end a blend it out on the edges. Just dab it."

He took the foam and began to press it to her skin gently. Within a minute, her skin looked flawless like normal. "You want to do your wrists?" He asked.

"No that's okay. Thank you." She leaned into him and gave him a deep kiss.

"Lets go."

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