Chapter Twenty: ANNABETH

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TW: SEXUAL ASSAULT, skip two chapters if you are sensitive to this topic

"Excuse me?"

Annabeth looked up to find the dirty blonde haired boy, towering over their table looking at her. The whole breakfast, he had been making weird eye contact with her. She had attempted to brush it off and look uninterested, but apparently that wasn't a success.

"Yes?" She asked cautiously.

"I'm Clint Hunter. I was wondering if I could get your number." He said with a confident smirk. Clint was about her height and age, with sharp features and a built body. He looked like your average quarter-back-of-the-football-team.

"Sorry, I'm not looking for a relationship, I actually have a boyfriend." She said politely as she squinted up at him, losing his face in the sun.

The smiled was wiped from his face for just a moment and the smirk returned. "Oh, okay. No problem." He winked.

As he walked away she faked gagged in Olivias direction. Charles laughed. He was holding her hand over the table. The night before, Charles and Olivia had finally gotten together and now they were in that touchy, feely, I can't get enough of you stage that Percy and Annabeth had barely left.

They had the Thursday off from school, for a professional learning day. AKA training the teachers who couldn't use technology to make them not be able to use technology a little less. Percy had a mandatory swim practice, so Annabeth, Charles and Olivia decided to go out for breakfast at a little French cafe.

"Annabeth, I'm proud that you didn't judo flip him just for looking at you!" Charles teased in a high pitched voice, putting a hand on her arm sarcastically.

"These are big strides we're making here. We're so proud of you." Olivia agreed.

Annabeth glanced over to where the blonde boy was sitting alone. He was still staring at her. She looked away quickly. "He's still staring." She said, looking down at her napkin. "I'm actually going to use the bathroom. I'll be back. You guys want to get the check?"

They nodded as Annabeth pushed her chair back and headed into the building. She almost sighed of relief when she heard that the Manhattan traffic noise was muffled through the glass. She walked over to where the bathrooms were, headed inside the girls bathroom.

When she emerged, a familiar face was waiting on the other side. "I didn't catch your name."

"Oh, it's Annabeth." She said. He seemed so nice and respectful now and when she had rejected him. So she wondered if he just wanted a friendship.

"Come with me. I want to show you something." He said and headed out the side entrance, not the way she had come in.

She followed hesitantly, but kept her hand on her knife that was strapped to her belt on her jeans.

She emerged into a quiet, empty courtyard, the cool air rushing over her. She didn't see Clint but all of a sudden she felt him. A pair of lips pressed onto hers, unexpectedly. She was in shock and didn't move but after a moment she came to her senses and pushed him off of her.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" She asked angrily.

His dumb smirk was plastered on his face. "Its okay. I got your hints. Your friends aren't here. No one has to know." He took a step forward.

"What hints?" Annabeth asked taking a step back so she was against the brick wall, a couple feet from the door.

"The staring, the glances, the 'I'm not looking for a relationship but I'm looking for a hookup.', the fake going to the bathroom to meet me." Clint's eyes gleamed as he stepped towards her, trapping her.

The Demigods Adventures at Goode High School {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now