Chapter Three: ANNABETH

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Goode high school was only a few blocks from their apartment, so they all walked in the cold. They laughed and joked like a big family, but they all were clearly nervous. When they arrived, a few other kids were coming inside but other than that everyone was inside because of the cold.

The lobby had a tall ceiling with gray and blue banners-the schools colors. A lot of the kids gave them weird looks. A few stared and whispered about Annabeth, Piper and Olivia. Annabeth could hear some of their excitement with comments like, she's kinda hot. She could hear similar comments concerning Jason and even a few with Leo. Jason put his arm protectively around Piper and Piper leaned into him similarly. They walked into the main office to meet Mr. Blofis.

"Annabeth!" He exclaimed and gave her a hug. "I am excited to see all of you! But shh... Percy still has no idea!" They snickered and Mr. Blofis walked over to the edge of his desk and pushed a button.

He handed out their schedules and they studied them for a minute. Annabeth was taking a bunch of weird courses because she had already maxed out on most of her core subjects. A minute later girl walked in, about 5'5". Brown curly hair tumbled over her shoulders with blue eyes and freckles. Annabeth realized that she was pretty in a subtle way. You wouldn't notice it at first but once you do you can't believe you missed it. She laughed and stuck her tongue out at someone outside the office. She wore a sweatshirt and leggings, almost identical to what Olivia and pretty much the rest of the school population was wearing. Her name tag read, hi, my name is ANNA. Mr. Blofis greeted her and they introduced themselves.

"Anna will be your guide." Mr. Blofis handed her a piece of paper that Annabeth couldn't see, studied it for a moment and turned to the group.

"Okay! Follow me." Annabeth walked in front followed by Olivia and Leo and in the back was Jason and Piper.

Anna turned and walked backwards talking to them, "So welcome to Goode. We have about 700 students, about 175 per grade and we offer many different courses. Where are you all from?"

"Long Island" Annabeth said, taking the lead. "Our old boarding school is under construction for the year so we decided to take our tuition and rent a place up here to go to school with a friend of ours." She glanced back at the others, who nodded in approval.

"Thats really fun! And your parents? Are they here too?" Anna led them through a long hallway.

"Uh, Nope, we're on our own."

"Ugh I would kill to get away from my parents for a while." They walked in silence for a bit. Anyways so these are the sports facilities." She led them through a large gym, and to a pool. There were numerous trophies and awards in the built in cases on the walls. Anna opened the door into a massive warehouse like room with two full sized turf fields inside. She turned to face them. "Goode is pretty good at most sports, the past few years we've won state champs in football, lacrosse and field hockey. Most of our teams are co-ed. Since the school is relatively small, having co-ed teams lets us have a lot more sports and clubs." As they continued by the swimming pool again Anna continued, "We've also won nationals for swimming two years in a row. Are any of you interested in sports?" They all nodded.

"You guys have soccer right?" Olivia peaked her head out.

Anna nodded her head but grimaced. "You'll definitely get on the team" She assured Olivia. "The competition isn't very strong for soccer. Most of our fall sports run into the winter because we have indoor fields. A lot of other NYC schools do the same. Anyone can try out for a team at any time, you just need to talk to the coach first. Usually they'll let you play with them a few practices, and then let you know."

Anna continued walking and some kids in the hallway shouted things at her and made jokes. She just laughed and nodded. Annabeth was glad they had a normal school guide, it was clear that Anna had a lot of friends. "We're getting close to the classrooms, let me see you schedules." They passed up their schedules quickly, but Annabeth wasn't paying attention. The classrooms were close, that meant Percy was close. Her heart raced and her stomach was tied into knots.

Olivia made her way to the front with Annabeth. "So, otherwise, what's this school like, cliquey? artsy? fun?"

Anna scanned their schedules and passed them back. "It's kind of cliquey but you'll find that if you keep friends in a lot of groups it won't seem that way." Then she leaned in and whispered for me and Olivia to hear, "The guys here are pretty hot. Some of them more than others though," We snickered, "The captain of the football team is pretty cute and a lot of his friends too, but he's kind of a douchebag. The best ones swim, there's one-"

Annabeth vision tunneled down the hallway and focused on one person. He was wearing a blue-green shirt with gray sweatpants and white converse. His jet back hair and the back of his neck was all Annabeth could see in the crowd of students. He was talking to some other students and Annabeth could see him wave goodbye to his friends as he turned to walk in their direction. Her breath caught when she saw him. He looked surprisingly tan, considering it was November, his sea green eyes could be spotted from across the corridor.

Anna turned toward her and smirked, "Yeah, that's the one. Don't go chasing him, like everyone does. He's off limits, he has-". Annabeth drowned out the sound of her voice and Percy finally noticed her. She saw his breath also catch when he saw her but he quickly smiled. Their eyes locked and she surged forwards walking quickly down the hall towards him. He jogged towards her. She was vaguely aware of the hushed tones in the hallway as they made their way towards each other. She finally reached Percy and threw her arms around his neck. After a few seconds of hugging, Percy pulled back and gave her a deep, meaningful kiss. When she pulled back he stared down at her. He smelled like ocean air.

"What on earth are you doing here?" Percy said smiling ear-to-ear.

"Surprise!" She smiled. Their friends appeared behind her and Annabeth jolted back to reality. They disentangled but continued to hold hands. Percy let go to give Jason, Piper and Leo hugs. He said hi to Olivia, because they'd only really met once. Anna was still absolutely dumbfounded and Annabeth's cheeks flamed red as everyone stared at them.

"We're gonna go to school here for the year!" Jason smirked, aware of everyone looking at them.

"I'll explain later, okay? But yeah, we're really staying here." Annabeth whispered in Percy's ear and kissed his cheek. She felt giddy being with him finally. She always longed to be with him, in his arms. But there was no way she could wait until the weekend to spend some real alone time with him.

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