A new beginning.

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This was a Rainy night in Luna city..this was a untimely shower..water pouring down continuously form the heavenly sky as if someone from above was crying Bittrely in sworrow..the thunder has brighten up the sky with lights in all directions ..it was so bright that anyone can mistaken it as a full moon night.. Birds were in their nest silently staring at the sky.. Wind was passing from trees making them dance in this bright sky.. People were still busy with their own things some were in the market place buying things some were in their palace doing the regular chores some were tortured to death for their mistakes..
Some were in their yards looking at this beautiful sight... But my heart was heavy then.. I am here standing on the shining bridge.. Looking at the sight I am doomed everything is flashing right in front of my eyes.. I am badly hurt my heart is broken into million pieces..  Here at this moment I'm very sure about ending my life .. I can see the water gushing down of the bridge taking everything inside it which comes in the way.. I have to be like this fierce water don't want to be kind anymore don't want to trust anyone I hate LOVE ..want to drown the people and things which are bothering me I can't take this anymore.. Lord why me..? Why..?

3 months before!

21st March!

Aiden are you in the room..? I knocked for a few times but I didn't get any response.. So I went in.. I'm coming in babe. I went inside and can't found her in the room.. Where is she now we have planned to go for a movie and she isn't here..? A hand came from my back and she hugged me I'm here Ancy. I said ,"why aren't you ready yet" do we have to go to the movie or not..? She replied, "yes we have to go ! " Seeing you not prepare I don't think we can make there I said.. Let's watch a kdrama at home with popcorn and a cold drink.. I said kdramas to tease her as she was very furious cause of my obsesssion to kdramas.. Ancy why are you so much obsessed with the kdramas are you even normal just yesterday you
Completed The legend of blue sea !

In one day! And now you want to watch another kdrama.

Yes my dear I'm totally normal why don't you watch kdramas I'm telling you they are amazing you Don't listen to me do you..! Come on Ancy you are 20 now you should go out hang out with boys attain those crazy parties socialize with people but all you do is sitting in your room and watching those dramas.. Are you even in this world .? I mean look at you see yourself in the mirror you are not the Ancy which I knew..Are you still gonna think about Theo .? It happened 2 years ago leave it for god sake please.. And about the movie today I wasn't even sure you are coming its a surprise for me you said yes to a movie..!!
Ok Aiden so now I'm saying no to your movie I'll head back to my room first. Saying this I came back into my room.. Aiden's words have hurted me it's not like I'm not normal the thing is I'm escaping my emotions I no more wanted to get attached to people because all they do is play with our feelings.. Kdrama is just a world I've created of my own atleast I can see what true love feels like in kdrama otherwise this real world have no such thing like true love.! And about the movie today I just said yes becau-
Aiden entered my room..
Ancy babe I'm sorry for what I've said earlier I knew that I've hurted you but I can't see you like this anymore why don't you understand.? You will forgive me right she sat near me mumbling.. I had my headphones on and was listening to music.. I was not paying attention to her but she hugged me tightly and took of my headphones off.. Listen look here "we don't have spring for the whole year, we need to face the strong cold and hot sun. Don't get stuck just move on" Trust me you will be happy again.. She said this with so much emotion that I was about to cry.. But somehow I didn't let my tears out and in a trembling voice said to her "I'm trying but I just can't " I'm right here for you Ancy we will together overcome this.. Do you trust me.? And I said yes I do! She hugged me and I clinged on her like a small baby like my soul will melt now.. She was the only one in this entire world who will never let go my hand.. We stayed like this for about 5 minutes and I felt like that was the safest place which I never wanted to leave..
After all this she said screw this movie. I know you wanted to be the real you and today shane is throwing a party at his house and I want to to come you get that.? I wasn't a social butterfly and I find meeting new people very akward but if I said no to the party Aiden will lecture me again for 2 hours so i said yes!

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