2 years back!

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Theo! A guy with all the qualities a girl wanted.. He was tall brown in skin complexion with dark Black eyes and plump lips ... He was friendly with everyone and was great at dancing..It was when we were new in the university at the fresher's party.. I and Aiden were school time's besties and so we have taken medical together...so we were there sitting on the chairs waiting for the next performance.. Theo came up on the stage.. He wore a oversized white t- shirt.. And have wore black jeans with a pair of sport shoes.. The moment he came up on stage my eyes were hooked on him.. He really got some moves... His moves made everyone crazy.. I didn't knew his name so I asked Aiden she replied he's Theo! I said, Nice...
The next day I was in my class taking down notes as Ms. Liza was teaching us..it was a win moment for me when theo arrived in the class.. He's in the same class as mine!! He was late for the class Miss. liza was a friendly person so he was saved from a lecture and she let him in the class... Theo was looking goddamn sexy that day he wore a red chex shirt on top of that was a black jacket and jeans.. Again I started describing his charm in my mind... Only after that my dream bubble broke when I saw him coming towards me.. The whole class was full and only seat next to my left was empty.. The heaven is helping me..! He came and sat next to me.. I Looked at him for a second and then got busy taking down the notes..
The bell rang and the lecture was over.. Theo started packing up the things.. I initiated the conversation and said, "Hello Theo you dance very well. " On that he said thanks- he didn't knew my name so I spoke in between Ancy! My name is Ancy.. Ohh yess Ancy thank you for your appreciation..! I then asked him where are you going after this on that he said, "I'm going to the canteen I'm hungry you see".. I said yes, off course I'm hungry too! He then told me to join him... I can't tell you how happy I was.. He was my first crush and the feeling was getting butterflies in your stomach... We went to the canteen..on the way i introduced Aiden to Theo.. He ordered noodle soup and milk! What combination is this who drink milk but I don't want to judge him so I just smiled.. He said, "milk is good for health my mom gave me a glass every day when I'm home". I said, "ohh that's sweet".. We had our lunch together and we were about to say goodbye when Theo asked for my mobile number... I gaved it quickly and this way We shared our numbers... I said wow my life have become so easy..!  Aiden and I went to our dorm room and Theo went back to his..
At night I received Theo's message on We chat.. Hi princess was his first text.. I replied Hi prince sarcastically.. On Which he send me those laughing emojis. Our conversation stared.. We talked about our likes dislikes.. Shared some funny jokes.. Bitched about the people we hate And in a period of a month we became close friends.. We used to talk all day..
It was a weekend  when one of our friend Emily had her birthday.. It was a party night.. And we decided to meet at the Emily's place .. As her parents were abroad for work..At evening Aiden and I started getting ready.. Theo came to pick us.. Leo wasn't in our group then... In his car we all went to the party location.. It was a great night we all were in party mood ... We went in and the party begin.. Emily's place was a whole mood.. Unlimited alcohol.. Weeds and so on were there.. We went straight to the bar to grab Some drinks.. Aiden was busy hitting on some boy sitting in the corner of room.. I was left alone on the chair.. I was sitting there with a beer can in my hand and enjoying it.. I saw Theo coming to me.. He looks different today.. He was drunk .. I can see his intoxicating eyes staring at me.. My body was shaking a bit seeing him this way he was looking I can't describe... He came near me and said "you're looking beautiful today.. " My cheeks went red I said thank you! He asked me, "Can I ask you for a dance love..?" I was not really in my senses I was lost in Theo's eyes I just bit my lower lip and said sure.!.. We went on the dance floor and started moving with the beat.. First we were vibing individually without any body contact with each other .. But soon Theo pulled me in his arms.. He was hot I mean his body.. He took my hands and put them around this neck the distance between us was ZERO.. I could feel his heart beat... And I'm sure he could feel mine.. My heart was racing fast as fast as while watching those motorbike races on television... We were moving together the  coordination between us was excellent... His hands were on my hips he very smoothly took them at my back and pushed me closer.. I thought he want me into him now because there was no space between us!.. It was a strange feeling I have Butterflies in my stomach.. A second after he hold my hand.. my hands were ice cold he said, "love why are you so cold, did I failed to keep you warm enough " He look seductive when he said those words he was biting his lips and looking straight into my eyes... This boy wants to dig my grave right here I thought .. He has a total different personality today. I never thought he could flirt so well..  But whatever he said I was liking it.. I replied, "you aren't that close to me I guess to keep me warm enough ".. I don't have a dirty mind I swear it was just I was going with the flow and the words were coming automatically from my mouth.." How close do you want me to come so you'll feel warm love...? " He asked..."maybe that close when I could feel your breath" i  answered.. I'm flirting my god I'm really flirting... Flirting wasn't my thing but yess with Theo it was like I'm a master of flirting..!! Anyways,  on my answer he smirked at me and then he started to move closer to my face.. With every inch he move further he said  this close love.? Or this or this... With every this.. My body became hot I have a uneasy feeling ... When he was close enough to my lips I closed my eyes and then I could feel his lips on mine.. A current passed throughout my body.. He started kissing me softly on my lips.. I've no idea how to kiss but then I followed his lead... While he was kissing me his fingers were entangled in my hairs.. With every movement of our lips his hold on my hairs became tighter... He stuck out his tongue and started Kissing me deeply.. It was a moment I never thought about.. But our kiss interrupt when Aiden called me from back.. I turned around and saw her my god this girl is gonna tease me for all my life!. Theo kissed on my head and went to his friends leaving me with Aiden... I was surprised as Aiden didn't ask me a word about the scene she just saw...
It was now time to cut the cake.. We all gathered around Emily and she cut the cake...music started and everyone was in their own world dancing wildly... I was there dancing with aiden when suddenly Theo grabbed my hand and we went up on the terrace... I said, "Theo wait what are you doing..?" On that he said, "Ancy I've got something to confess.." He started "Acny as your name describes you are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen "... When i first saw you in miss. Liz's lecture i was fallen for you.. You are someone special to me.. I never thought you liked me too..
Saying this he went on his knees.. "Ancy will you be my girlfriend..? "I saw he brought me a ring.. I was astonished I was blushing.. Yes! "I said yess I would like to be your girlfriend!".. He put the ring in my finger and lifted me up in the air he was so happy and so was I.. There on the terrace we promised each other to be together no matter what happens in the future..! We kissed each other.. And then I said " Let's go back to the party " His phone rang then, he said to me " You go down I'll be right behind you " .. I kissed him and went downstairs at the party area..  I was looking for Aiden but couldn't find her ..she must be busy hitting on boys..!so I went to Emily where they all were playing truth or dare! ..
After 15 minutes we all hear a sound of something falling...boom... This noise was loud.. We all rushed outside to see what happened and what I saw I've never imagined... Theo was there on the ground bleeding badly... I went to him running I held his hand and comfort him not to worry we will take you to the hospital... But inside I was scared to death he was bleeding very bad.. Someone called the ambulance and I sat next to him holding his hand on the way to the hospital I was holding his hand telling him I'm right next to you.. I remember he told me I love you Ancy..We reach the hospital.. He was taken out on the stretcher.. But soon as we entered the hospital he left my hand.. The doctor came running .. Dr. Checked his pulse and he was no more... I didn't understand what happened I went near him.. Everyone stared crying there.. But I wasn't ready to accept.. I held his hand I said, "get up Theo don't tease me.. " He didn't answer.. I started shaking him you lier we just promised we won't leave each other no matter what happens.. Why you left me Alone.! Get up please get up.!

After Theo's death I was traumatized to such an extent that I was in depression I couldn't get over Theo..i was in the hospital unconscious for 15 days.. When I came back to senses I wasn't the old Ancy anymore I changed..! I fear love I Hate love it just left us with broken heart.. I hated Theo for leaving me alone...
After Theo's death this was the first party I attended after 2 years .. But this whole situation ended in more misery.. It was concluded that Theo was Over drunk and fall off the terrace that day.. So I left drinking alcohol from that very day ..

Seeing Theo here I'm shocked what is he doing here ..? He is alive!!!

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This or that.?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora