The hidden truth!

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Aiden was holding her sword on my neck.. She look determined of killing me today.. She took back the white and purple stone..
And said, "I don't want prince Wei to look down at me as a traitor all these year he have treated me well even we both don't love each other..but for prince Xi and Arkon I have to cheat him...I don't want him to know his ever that I'm the traitor that was only the reason I handed this precious white Stone to you in front of his eyes.. otherwise You lowly creature you are not worth for having this magical Stones in your hands..
This stone is with you only because of that bitch Queen Xi.. Don't you feel  why a ordinary girl like you have this mighty  blue stone..? Ancy said, I want to know the reason! "

It was that time when Hematite's were looked down for not having the blue stone.. Regardless the fact that hematite's don't have the blue stone they came to their zenith of becoming the third most powerful kingdom of Arkon.. Don't you feel this was not normal.. Of course it was not because of my support from the Lime City that the hematite's were able to carry out all the plans... One day when I and prince Xi were making love that bitch Queen Xi entered our room and overhead our conversation.. She came to know about the atrocities that have been taken place in Arkon was done by me and Prince Xi.. That women was of a fair conduct and didn't tolerate our relationship and the things we have been doing .. She went to the king and told the truth about us and our doing ..she also revealed that she have founded the blue stone .. But that poor woman unaware of the fact that The king was by our side..
We were about to take that stone from here but she came to know we all are involved in this conspiracy and then she denied the fact of founding blue stone.. She was tortured to death but still she never revealed it was with her... It's quite surprising you have the blue stone we are searching for centuries.. But now all are dreams will come true, bitch I give you a chance and spare your life if you handover me this blue stone.. Choice is yours if you denied giving it I'll chop you into Pieces and will take back the blue stone from you.. Do you want to give it or you have to die.? "

Ancy said, "why me why Theo gave me this stone which belongs to your world.? " Why did this happen?
Aiden said, I don't care of what happened ,right now I want that stone just say you are willing to give it or not.?
Ancy replied No! I won't give this to you, so you and prince Xi were together from the very start.. And you cheated prince Wei.. Have you lost your conscience.. Because of you many innocents have lost their life and it is because of your evil deeds that God have not blessed Arkon with rainfall.. Aiden listen to me we will have to place these stones in the Hong shin temple!
Princess meso said, if one more time you call me Aiden your head would be chopped out of your body.. It's princess meso, and you don't tell me about conscience.. If you have to achieve big in life this small sacrifices doesn't count.. "
I asked princess meso," So tell me princess meso what have you sacrificed, you have taken so many innocent lives for this stone and you dare to speak about sacrifices what you committed was a sin for which God will never forget you! "
Princess meso said, " Shut up, stop spouting nonsense and give me that stone now! "
Ancy refused to hand over the stone!
"So you have to die right, ok I'll grant your wish" ..And saying this Meso swing her sword in the air as a defense I put my both hands on my face and suddenly the sword slash was reflected like a mirror and it went down through princess meso's stomach!!
I remembered  Felix's words he said ,
"Ancy this is the most powerful stone of the Arkon, you have to use it wisely to save yourself and this world.. Remember my words"..
I got it now what he meant, this blue stone is protecting me!

But wait princess meso! I rushed towards her and said, I didn't mean to hurt you I'm sorry you will be fine!
She said, " I don't want your fake sympathy you bitch, even if you are alive here your love wouldn't survive today ".. 
What.? What do you mean by that Meso.? I asked. . She replied, " The exiler, the exiler I gave prince Wei contained the most poisonous plant of this world.. 'The Giant Yellow flower extract'.. He by now must have fainted and will die soon.. You will never get your love You bitch!
Saying this Princess Meso died!!

I cried, No! Felix can't leave me alone he had promised me he will meet me today at the shining bridge.. My love won't die.. Today is Horika day I'll be
Bound to my love till the eternity!!

Saying this ancy took back the purple and white stone from Meso and rushed back to the Kong Shin temple... She had many hurdles in the way, but the blue stone protected her, she reached the to Kong shin temple and there placed the three stones.. As soon as she placed that stone in the temple they glowed up and God appeared in front of her.. She was astonished by this sight.. She kneeled with her head down and payed her respect to the Almighty..
God told her, "My child your life must be hard until now, you have suffered many hardships and betrayals .. You were chosen with the will of heaven to protect this blue stone.. That year when Queen Xi found the blue stone she was hit by the reality of her husband and son they tortured her like animals.. In her last time she prayed to me with all her heart and handed me the blue stone.. I warned her that giving this blue stone back will take her life but she sacrificed it for the sake of Arkon.. And you by the heavens will was selected to be the new owner of the blue stone I completed the task of handing over this blue stone to you by the medium Theo.. The blue stone in this world was not safe so I have to give this responsibility to you, and my child you completed it bravely..! " As god said this the heavenly sky started Raining.. Yess Arkon was blessed with Rain again!!  God then said, " You are now the owner of this blue stone..but still you have  things that you have to find out my child , I bless you with love and happiness "

And just after God said this I was back  to the Luna city! I was standing on the shining bridge but it was there in Luna City!!

What I'm back to my world what about Felix I lost him again? Is he alive.? He must be waiting for me at the shining bridge in Arkon.. I was running on the shining bridge but was not able to enter the Arkon.. Will I never be able to meet Felix! That must be my destiny I again got betrayed!! In this world I only have adien left now.. I must die now there's nothing for me to live!!

While Ancy was saying this Aiden appeared on the shining bridge!!

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