Discovered a new place!

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I woke up! The first thing I said after waking up was is this heaven...? Am I dead.? Where are the Angels..? No! no! I'm not dead I'm still breathing .. Where am I ,what is this place.. This place doesn't look familiar.. I was lying on a mountain top it was green everywhere.. Soft breeze were kissing my head I could see flowers bloomed and they look beautiful especially this one .. This pretty yellow flower it was shining bright in the mild sunlight..i never saw such a flower in the LUNA city..There was a thin layer of fog occupying the whole mountain.. It was like the sun was playing hide and seek.. One moment I could see the dazzling sunlight and another moment I can feel this cold fog.. I saw these beautiful butterflies on the flowers...I was mesmerized by this sight.. This place was unknown to me.. Initially I was scared but the atmosphere was really comforting me.. I was at the top of this high mountain and I saw a street going down.. I was sure I'll find someone if I take this route and go down of the mountain.. I started walking slowly.. On the way I noticed many different trees and plants they were really unique I never saw any of them.. I kept walking now I was sweating badly because I realized the bottom is really down I'll have to walk continuously If I have to reach the end till dark.. On the way I saw a waterfall wow and the water it was crystal clear! I was thirsty so I drank some water and when I looked at my reflection in the water I saw I didn't have any bandages on my head I was perfectly fine... I remembered that I jumped from the top of hospital building .. Chills went down my spine! I thought I'm dead where is god..? But wait again dead people don't breath.. I kept waking I reached the bottom when it was dusk...
Trust me I was astonished seeing that sight .. I saw people Yess it was a City.. But it was totally different.. I came down and entered the city.. Everyone was staring at me as if I was a celeb.. I was not comfortable with those stares.. Still I ignore them.. I saw this city was a huge one.. Laterns were fixed everywhere people were sitting there with their things to sell.. It was a bit crowded.. The fun fact was people's attire was totally different.. That was the most interesting part of the whole city..women's were dressed in some kind of long gown which was very feminine this gown was printed in various patterns some were floral patterns some were plain.. They wore a jacket on the top of that gown which was to their waist length the front part was secure with buttons or laces.. The hairstyle of every women was different.. But one thing in common was they have this ribbons tied around their hair the ribbons as far as I could see were purple and white in color.. They have accessories in their ear and hands.. On the other hand men were wearing pants and full shirts I can call it was a shirt which was to their knee length.. Men's attire were all plain with no pattern printed but the cloth looks really soft it must be silk I thought.. Again the most interesting fact was they too tied that lace on their head wich was white or purple in colour... I was surprised with this sight I thought what is this place.. I was hungry so I went to one of those food stalls across the street... There was a old woman standing.. I asked her, "grandma I'm hungry will I get some food..? " On that she said, "yes young man you can have it, I have some freshly baked pastries for you give me 2 coins and I'll get you your pastry. " First of all I wasn't a young man ohh my clothes..! I was still in those hospital clothes which resembled to the attire of men's here.. I said.. "Granny I don't have money could you please give me something I'm really hungry"! She gave me a stare as it I have asked for her life.. She denied giving me any food.. I was pleading her and in between that time a young man came to her shop.. I looked at him.. Theo! I exclaimed  .. I was thunderstruck to see Theo there and after that I fainted on the ground!

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