The Arkon World!

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This universe is created after the creation of milky Way .. It's called Arkon World.. It is believed that this world was formed by the heaven to pay off their sins.. The sins were heavy.. The Almighty created many universes in the sky.. But was not unable to look after all of them.. The bad deeds of people increased.. There was bloody battles in many universe for bread.. Many innocent lost their lives.. People were angry on god and were loosing their faith.. They stopped praying to God and started criticizing.. As a result in vent anger god destroyed all the universes.. The milky Way was saved accidentally.. And human are still alive on earth.. After thousands of year after this deed god was not happy.. He realized his mistake and was guilty... To loosen the burden on his heart he created the arkon world.. It is said this world is a magical was formed with the help of 3 very holy and precious stones.. The purple stone, The white stone and The blue stone.. Life started in this world and many people were grown up with listening this tale... Everyone thought it is just a fictional story.. Until some group of people founded the purple stone... The tale was real and 'Hong Joen' founded this new kingdom with the purple stone..his kingdom 'The Amethyst City' is situated in the North of arkon world.. He was the powerful king of that time whom people believed to be God... After the discovery of the purple stone some people were busy searching another 2 stones.. The only reason was to acquire power.. Soon the white stone was found.. And 'Ha' kingdom was found by 'Ha Xia ' with the white stone his kingdom is known as the 'Lime City'..this became the second powerful kingdom of the arkon world.. The blue stone is still missing but without it the third most powerful kingdom of this world is 'The Hematite kingdom' founded by 'Xi Song'.. It is believed that the blue stone belongs to the Xi kingdom.. If they found this they would be the most powerful kingdom of this world.. Because the most powerful stone is said to be the blue one!.. I was shocked listening to this story miss Emily told me.. I asked her, " Then how could I see the faces of people of my World "... On this miss Emily replied, " Because this is the parallel universe "!!!.. I was stunned to hear this... But it was real and I have to believe it.. I asked her, "how am I supposed to go back to my World.? "
She said, "the bridge you are standing now is called the 'shining bridge' which is the door that opened to your World". That means I can go back to my world..? She said, " Child you can't go back now, there's a purpose you are here for , once you complete it then you can leave. ".. And just after saying this she disappeared.. I thought I'll go the other side of this bridge walking so I can go back to my world.. But wait Theo is still here how could I leave him.? But he don't recognize me anymore..? I decided to go back to my world as Aiden was still waiting there for me.. And now she was the only one I had.. But wait if I'm here does it means I'm dead in that world.. What should I do..? But still I started walking... But every time I Start walking I would come to the same place.. I understood that I can't leave this place at my own will.. And in that time from far I saw Theo yeah I mean prince Xi riding on the horse.. He came and stopped near me.. He had a worried face . He told me, "I have been looking for you everywhere.. Let's go back to the palace, and Don't leave the palace without telling me..the place outside is not safe".. I nodded my head and riding on a horse with him came back to the palace..
At night I was resting in my room when  I heard the guards "prince Xi is entering the hein courtyard" I got up and sat on the bed... Prince Xi came to me and sat next to me.. He said, "Miss Ancy are you comfortable here.? "I said, yes!. "Have somebody told you that you look beautiful ", he asked, I said yes! .. Will you be my princess?he directly said this to me..I said, what your queen I was shocked.. I don't know what to answer.. Then he looked very sad.. And started telling me about his life..

" When I was born my mother was killed by the Hong and Ha kingdom, I've lived all my life without any care and love, that day when I saw you at the pastry shop. All I could see was only you " I carried you to the palace and on the whole journey you were taking a name 'Theo' ..! Is Theo anyone you love..? But then today at the court why do you addressed me as Theo..? Am I the Theo you are looking for..? " The Hong and Han kingdom had attacked the Hematite city that day at the 'liolin market'.. It was my luck that I meet you that day and brought you here..! I asked him, " are the Hong and Han evil people.?".. He said, "they are most evil people you will ever meet, in the future if you'll see people tying  purple and White ribbons around their hairs and forehead that means they are enemies .. Only black ribbon means good people remember! ".. I said I see, I'll stay away! And after he said, "I feel that you are the person I feel who would change my fate ,You don't need to rush take your time to think about my proposal! " And saying this he left .. I kept thinking that night about Theo, but God knows why i cried for him like 2 years and now that he had asked me for marriage I didn't said anything.. Why.? He feels like a different Theo not the one I used to know.. But he is the same person with same face and features.! I don't know what's wrong with me..
I didn't realize when I slept that night..

Next day I woke up.. And saw B' aion she brought me breakfast and helped me getting ready.. Aion told me that they have a festival today where they bow to the Almighty and heaven and thank them for their lives also they pray for the protection of their world.. This ritual took place in the 'kong shin temple'.. I said I wanted to go there.. Aion agreed to take me there and we sat in the chariot and headed off to the temple..
On the way I asked aion " why do tie this black ribbon around your head"? she told me that this is a scared ribbon everyone in the Arkon  wear.. The three kingdom has 3 different colour sacred ribbons.. And it also helps to classify people to which kingdom they belong.. The Hong wore purple and the Han wore White ribbon.. Oh so now I got what is this ribbon for!!

Soon we reach the temple, the temple was looking very ancient and it was a beautiful piece of architecture I could see animal patterns  inscripted on the Temple's wall I could see the story of creation of this world as Emily told me engraved on the wall of the temple...
My eyes went on a familiar face..It took me some seconds to recognize.. Holy shit!...Felix!!Aiden!! They both were together holding hands and walking towards the temple ... I was thunderstruck to see them!!! What they are doing here.. Why are they together... What's happening..??

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