Chapter fifteen~Yukki~ (≧∇≦)

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Scene: when Asuna just blacked out and cops came and shot Core.
Yukki's POV
I saw Asuna black out and cops quickly ran to Sinon and I. We were quickly picked up and carried to the ambulance, Kirito and Asuna as well.
Asuna's POV
I stepped into Yukki's room quietly. I then saw her, as her black hair, being moved back and softly from the wind while she was looking out the window.

She then herd the door close and looked at me. I couldn't help myself, I let a tear escape my cheeks as I saw my little sister who I thought died sitting right in front of me. She noticed me and got up, she then walked towards me and and hugged me while crying her self. she then spoke and said "i'm sorry i made you worry, and mom, dad and Austin." i then responded and said, "No, it's our falut we couldn't find you we lost hope, you could have died but you were brave your alive, that's all that matters right now". 

we both stopped crying. Yukki then asked me a question that made my heart feel like it was shot or stabbed by a knife. She quitely asked, "Where is Austin, momma and pops?"

I had to lie to her, i couldn't tell her the truth or it would hurt her big time. I couldn't do that to my little sister. I replied with the perfect lie to tell her, i felt guilty, and i felt like i have betrayed her, I then told her, "They all left to Sano, Japan. I stayed here because I didn't want to go", she looked at me and said, "oh, can i ask you something" she asked. 


"Why are you lying to me Asuna"

"what do you mean Yukki"

"I know your lying, Austin, momma and pops are dead arn't they" Yukki then began to cry

".....I'm...Sorry yukki I didn't want you to be pained but you ended up either way."

I then stayed quiet and stood there, comforting her. If anyone ever lays a hand on Yukki, I will kill them no matter who it is, I hugged my sister tight and she began to stop crying. she told me to on check on Sinon because Sinon is in a very bad condition. 

I hugged her tight again and before i closed the door i quietly said "I love you little sis"

Authors note 

i'm sorry it was short but i still have to study for midterms ill make a new chapter very soon. please vote and comment if you want hope you enjoyed thank you for reading.

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