Family or Friends

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Thank you KendraCastielSinger, if it weren't for you I don't think I would have an update for this story. You kept me from putting it on hold. Also, thank you LadyAsphodel for being brave enough and caring enough to actually telling me how I am doing. I am slowly trying to get back to the main plot of the story.

Misha’s point of view still

“You better have a good story,” Kait said softly as she opened the front door when she heard my Jeep come up the drive way. She rolled her eyes as she stepped to the side and let me in. “He’s here!” she yelled out as we headed to the kitchen.

“The one week you are in town and you don’t care enough to get here on time? Your grandfather is mad as hell,” Mother snapped. Ok, Marry, Mother as we call her, has raised me and Kait on her own since dad’s death when I little. She gets over carrying sometimes and it was hard for her to let me live a life as an actor and now she has her father living with her and he can be a hand full.

“Sorry, I had to help a friend of mine. I think she is sick,” I said walking into the kitchen to find my grandfather picking off the chocolate chips on the cake. “Grandfather,” I said as I took one before he slapped my hand.

“Your late!” he snapped at me. “Why are you late?”

“I had a friend that I had to go and find, she’s going through a hard time right now, she just needed me,” I said pulling out the food in the stove.

She? Your friend is a she?” Mother asked. This is what I knew would happen. “You finally have someone in your life?”

“No, Mother, she is just a friend. I ran into her at the store one day,” I said as I helped Kait make the drinks.

“Wait! The girl you were talking about on TV?” Kait asked turning around from the drinks. I looked over at Mother and then Grandfather as they stared me down.  I sat the drinks on the table before turning around and lending against the table.

“She hasn’t said anything, no in her family or friends have said anything either but I can tell she is sick. No one coughs as much as she did and be fine, I just don’t know what’s wrong and I’m worried,” I said coming out with the truth. “So, I was helping her today, that is why I am late,” I said turning back around and took a sip of my drink.

“Well, tell us more while we eat,” Mother said as she turned to make the plates when suddenly my phone ringed. “You know the rules about phones; they should be on vibrate in the kitchen.”

“I’m sorry, won’t happen again,” I said as I looked down at caller ID to see Nicole calling. “I’ll be right back,” I said softly leaving the room.

“Is it the girl?” Kait calls out as I walk out on the front porch. She falls me and stands in the door way as she watched me answer the phone.


“Misha, Nicole had a nightmare and she won’t calm down or let anyone into the room. We think that you would be the only one who can get to her,” Kennedy said in a worried voice.

“Ok, when did this happen?” I asked watching Kait in the door way as she listened to me on the phone.

“Just about ten minutes ago, Jared said you were having dinner with your family so when you can, can you come over please? We think you are the only one that can get through to her,” Kennedy said as I heard Claire say something in the background.

“I’ll be there as fast as I can,” I said rushing into the house.

“Thanks,” Kennedy said hanging up. Kait followed me inside into the hallway outside of the kitchen.

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