*Bonus* Part-One

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Looking over at the sleeping man next to me I smile. What was originally supposed to be a job, turned in to so much more. I brush his hair out of his face, as he continues to sleep, remembering how we had even met.


I had just gotten off the phone with Gulf, he sounds depressed. I would be too if I lost my job because of some jerk, then again, I have my own business. Speaking of which, was anyone going to hire me anytime soon. My few employees I had at the moment were on their own assignments, I missed working in the field.

My company can be hired to do the smallest thing, like picking flowers, to something more personal, such as breaking up with someone. Literally anything, as long as it isn't illegal, or results in someone's death. Sighing heavily, I decided to see if there were any pending jobs, something that I could do. Looking at my screen I groan, nope, nothing. When I was about to give up all hope, my work phone rang.

"Yay!!" I squeal. Picking up the phone I answer on the second ring.

"Saint here, how may I be of service?"

"Uh..." The voice says in the background. Hmm, he sounds nervous, I think.

"Yes, hello?" I say, hoping he didn't hang up.

"Your ad here, it says you will do anything as long as it isn't illegal, is this true?" The deep voice asks. He has a sexy voice, I think, then shake my head. Bad thoughts Saint.

"Yes, is there something in particular you need?" I ask, pen and paper ready.

"I have never done something like this." The guy says with a sigh.

"Ok, how about you just tell me what is going on, and we go from there."

"I want to shake off a suitor, but telling her no hasn't worked. So, I need a fake partner, I don't know how long I will need the person, but I am willing to pay." The man said again. I write this down, and frown.

"Um, ok." I say hesitantly. He seemed to catch that.

"What? Is this something that cant be done?" He sounds defeated.

"No, nothing like that, but I need to know if you need a fake girlfriend or boyfriend. Depending on that, I can see who is available." I say.

"Oh, I'm gay." The man replies, causing me to chuckle at his bluntness.

"So, boyfriend it is." I tap my pen on the paper. Who could I send? Everyone has their own assignments, leaving only me. However, I haven't been in a real relationship in so long, I don't even know if I can fake it.

"You do need a boyfriend, right? Like other people know you are gay?" I ask, don't want to get caught up in more drama than necessary.

"Yes, people know. Which is why its weird that this woman won't leave me alone." The man says with a sigh, and a small chuckle.

"Ok, can you give me your name, and details in what you are looking for in a fake partner." I say. I am now at the computer typing in his request, I need to figure out how much I should charge.

"Well, I need someone cute, Hwahwa won't be able to handle it if they are cute. Also, this might be TMI, but they need to appear to be the bottom." He coughed to try and cover the last part, causing me to chuckle.

"Ok, you still haven't told me your name." I say as I try not to laugh.

"Oh, right. Zee Pruk." The man says. I still can't get over how sexy his voice is. Damn it Saint, stop it.

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