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"This is a little scandalous, don't you think?" I ask, horrified when I look in the mirror. JJ has given me an extremely fitted black cocktail dress to wear with my classic black stilettos. Garcia is busy applying a shade of lipstick to my face that is much too bright for my liking.

"I mean, come on! I can barely breathe in this thing, and I never wear this much makeup!" I complain.

"It's perfect, it will make you an even more appealing target. Let's go, or else you'll be late," JJ takes my hand as Garcia adds the finishing touches and the three of us walk back out into the precinct.

"Woohoo! Look what we've got here!" Morgan laughs as soon as he sees me.

"Shut it," I grumble, miserable. I look like a legitimate stripper.

"Er, Uh... ready to go?" I hear Spencer's voice behind me. I turn around and I can see his eyes grow wide.

"Are you my driver tonight, Dr. Reid?" I ask. He nods.

"Then let's go. But you are not allowed to make any comments about the horrendous way that I am dressed, deal?"

"Deal," he smiles faintly, gesturing for me to follow. I have to pull down my dress to get in the car in an attempt to not flash Spencer. We start driving, the car silent.

"The rest of the team will be waiting around the corner for your signal. Once he comes into the house, press the alarm on your phone, okay? Seriously, Addie, this is extremely dangerous," Spencer huffs.

"I've been out in the field before, I'll be fine." We pull up to the fake house just then and Spencer parks in the driveway.

"We've got eyes on the unsub, across the street. Your move, Grant," Morgan says through the radio. I open the door, plastering a smile on my face.

"Thank you so much for the ride! I had such a fun night!" I exclaim, hopefully loud enough for the unsub to hear me.

"No problem. Goodnight, Darcy," Spencer voices, playing along. I wave as he pulls out, grabbing the keys I was given and entering the house. It was a classic, well-furnished interior. My heart began to thump, but I purposely left the front door unlocked. I set my clutch on the sofa and sat, waiting for Patrick. A few minutes passed before I heard the faint sound of a door opening. This is it, this is him.

"Hello?" I called out, getting up. My hand crept involuntarily towards the gun that was strapped to my thigh under my dress. I turned the corner and found the door wide open, but no sign of Patrick. I took out my phone to send the signal but a sudden blow to the back of my head made me crumple to the ground. I moaned, my vision fuzzy.

"Shh, Darcy. It's alright, sweetheart, just don't move," Patrick's spine-chilling voice whispered into my ear. I glanced a few feet away, where my phone had landed.

"P-please don't do this," I begged, feigning fear in hopes it would buy me a few more seconds. I was still on the ground when he started to slide his hand up my thigh, slowly. It made me want to vomit. I pretended to still be groggy and disabled, hatching my plan. His hand kept climbing.

"FBI! Step away from the girl!" A voice called out. I looked up to see the team filing in, guns raised. I took this moment of confusion and swiped my gun out from under my dress, rolling over so that I could point it at his face. I kicked my leg up as I spun and hit in in the groin, momentarily disabling him with a grunt.

"Hands in the air, Patrick," I said, giving him a smug look as he realized who I was. He stepped away from me slowly, the knife in his hand clanging to the ground. Morgan and Hotch stepped forwards to handcuff him, bringing him out to one of the cruisers to be processed.

"You alright?" Spencer asked, kneeling next to me.

"I'm guessing a slight concussion and light bruising, I'll be just fine," I reply, assessing myself. I slid the gun back under my dress as Spencer helped me up.

"You should still see a doctor. I told you to send the signal when he was inside."

"I was in a bit of an unexpected predicament," I say, gesturing to my phone that was knocked to the ground. He gave me a faint smile and walked me out of the house.


sorry for the short chapter! next one will be longer :)

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