Mia and Sebastian

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Mia and Sebastian

Sebastian and Mia

the amount of love I have for these two characters is insane. And the amount of love everyone who reads, votes and comments makes me feel like so insanely proud of the depressed girl who wrote Mia, bringing her to life, in a dark time of 2018.

You all have been amazing and this is not the end so don't worry!!

But I had to tell you all something.

So we are all BIG GLLE STANS cause if not then hi! welcome to our tiny corner of the internet :)

My amazing best friend has started to make her own original Glee stickers and they currently look insane. Here are some of her current ones that she has made:

 Here are some of her current ones that she has made:

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Like these are 👏🏻STUNNING👏🏻

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Like these are 👏🏻STUNNING👏🏻

so as much as I promoting her cause she's insane I wanted to ask something else.

My friend knows about Mia and Sebastian and is as much in love with them as I am.

Sooooooo, if anyone would be up for it, would y'all like Mia and Sebastian themed stickers?

So like quotes or cut outs of the two together but pretty much we're gonna do a joint design and then they'll be printed and become STICKERS!!

this whole announcement was to see if anyone would like that idea so please comment below and if you have any ideas or quotes from the books please do tell!

I hope you guys are all well and I can never thank you all enough for the love and support you have given me over the past two years.

Sometimes I just stop and think about everyone and just always thank you for making me feel included and important especially in a time when I haven't had the easiest time whilst writing her story.

Mia is my baby and I will love her to the end of all time. And I will always love you guys!

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