What anime character they'd like to be

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[ thank you so much for everyone's kind and amazing comments, I'm so happy that others like our recurring antagonists, I'll include them more now too! ;_; I adore watching anime as well as playing otome games, so this is really just a short thing- you tell them about anime, and they tell you what sort of characters they like or would choose to be! ]



The best friend in a sports anime. You've told Sage stories about all sorts of animes, he's always cackling when you mention the fun and comedic characters. He loves anyone loud and loyal or who has a funny quirk to them, like an ultimate favourite food that they can always be bribed with, or something they just won't back down from and will have to be dragged-off by their team.

Sage admits that he's generally confident and cavalier like that too, but says he's hardly been someone his team could rely on, the people he cares about usually get left in the dark when it comes to what's going on with him. So when Sage tells you he'd maybe like another shot at being a better friend and teammate, his next words are "so, eh, dunno if I deserve it but," and "damned if anyone would choose me for that though, wouldn't blame 'em if-" at which point you interrupt him with the most sincere hug, saying you already think of him that way, you did choose him, and you've never been surer of your decision.


Head of the student council. Anisa loves the idea of extra-curricular clubs in animes, in particular clubs that have an interesting history about them and where members take a lot of pride in the reputation and success of the club. She likes the focus on community spirit, as well as how members are always highly skilled in different areas. She tells you she'd enjoy being a leading student council member, organising festivals and ensuring the club was always showcasing the school in a positive light.

Anisa tentatively laughs and voices the idea that maybe in this anime, you could be the new exchange student who gets inducted into the prestigious club. She'll be the one to show you the ropes (and who has to hide the fact that the leader, who never shows more than an aloof interest in anyone, suddenly has a crush).


The mighty first-born. Elowen seems pleased by your question and interest- with anyone else, she wouldn't see this as a fun talk about anime so much as a tactic to gain insight into her values (values that she'd be happy to share regardless, she'll never attack without showing her face and stating her cause).

For you, however, she wishes to share something of her past but finds it difficult, being trusting feels almost like being threatened. So Elowen takes this conversation as an opportunity. She describes herself as the first-born sibling, the one who can seem a little harsh and undefeated and cold, but when it counts, will also be fiercely protective of any younger siblings in the group. You've always known Elowen swears by a blood code of honour, but this is the first time you've got a glimpse of why this- her whole journey and her anger- might be less about revenge and more about the fact that when it came down to it, she lost someone who she would have given anything to protect.


The bridge between the human and spirit worlds. Over many discussions on popular culture, you realise Rime has a mild fascination with the way the spirit world is depicted in anime. In particular, he likes the recurring theme that the laws of the human world don't tend to work in the same way in the spirit world, and that the spirit world can be a dangerous place for the ill-prepared traveller. He likes hearing about how on certain nights or festivals of the year, the bridge between worlds might be momentarily open, allowing both humans and spirits to pass between. His focus grows intense when you tell him about spirits who have been angered by human behaviour, and may have shifted into a darker, more malevolent form as a result.

Of all the beings you describe, Rime is most drawn to powerful characters who have a unique connection to the spirit world and the ability to pass between the realms at will. He also realises he's been getting quite caught-up in this discussion, and tries to pipe down before he ends up pacing around, far too invested. He lays his head in your lap instead, saying he's going to shush about being the conduit of all worlds now. You gently run your thumb across his freckles, and he looks rather indulgently comforted that he hasn't scared you.


The loyal and dangerous butler. When you ask what anime character Felix could see himself as, Felix puts up a dedicated effort to assure you he hasn't ever thought about this before. He then goes on to describe, in detail, how if he had to cast himself in such a role, he supposes he could withstand being one of those perfect and infallible butlers who perform all manner of their service with impeccable promptness and finesse.

You feel like there's more to this scenario he's imagining, but Felix keeps airily insisting it just makes sense, one of his areas of study did used to be etiquette in fact, and he's already highly skilled in tea ceremonies as a matter of course. He's even got quite the repertoire of dark nefarious magic under his belt, which he could use to further excel in his butler duties! He's clearly struggling to contain his enthusiasm by this point, and you happily admit you'd be honoured and humbled if he ever treated you both to a traditional afternoon tea... but Felix gets all flustered, saying the lord isn't supposed to be humbled when the butler pours tea.

You start laughing as you ask when you suddenly became the lord in this anime, and Felix goes bright red as he loudly admonishes you for misunderstanding, of course he hasn't been imagining himself bowing and then kneeling down to pour your tea as if you were the lord of the manor or something, no, no, that would be ludicrous!! You give him a soft, adoring look, then playfully rephrase and say that the lord of the manor wasn't hinting about afternoon tea just now, but commanding the butler that such a thing should be done. Since your goal was to save Felix and not make him blush and sputter for all eternity, this plan has clearly failed.

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