Chapter 57

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August 13th, 2013

Golden Gate's School Ship

Mediterranean Sea

The school day was in the full swing. On board Golden Gate's modern marvel that was their school ship, sailing around the Mediterranean Sea, during the lunch hour, a group of girls were holding a meeting in an unused classroom. The blinds on the windows were partially closed, only letting in the odd streak of sunlight that hit the room. Most of the girls sat in desks, paying full attention to the person standing at the front of the room with a commanding gaze. Juliana.

"I've seeked you all out and brought you here because we are all like-minded. People who have the same passions, people who fight the same fights," Juliana told them all. "There is a danger facing the sport of tankery."

One of the girls then rose to speak. "This school doesn't operate a tankery team nor is anyone here a tankery athlete. What does it mean to us if the sport is in danger?"

"Everything," Cassandra the spoke, her eyes staring directly at the girl. "What happens in tankery can and will ripple out and effect everything."

All in the room sported intrigued expressions.

"Cassandra would know," Julia went on. "She's experienced the danger first hand. Males in tankery."

"Huh?" remarked another girl in confusion. "I thought tankery was a girls only sport?"

"It should be," Cassandra said with distaste. "Unfortunately, not every one in the sport can grasp that core concept. They disregard the tradition that makes tankery what it is and why it is so special for women. The team representing the U.S in the internationals is a coed team. Their success in the tournament cannot be allowed as it would spell ruin for tankery, all its foundations shattered."

"Ruin in tankery would be disastrous," Juliana said. "Consider this. The sport is remarkably unique as being formed by women for women. Almost every other sport out there was started by a man and predominately played by men. Tankery was something for the fairer sex to enjoy. This violation, left to fester, will speak like an infection to other female-orientated things, ruining them as well. This infection will need to be quarantined, and subsequently eradicated."

"Fighting for women is always a noble and righteous cause, isn't it?" Cassandra then said, devilish smile on her face.

What these two girls said resonated with each and every person in the room. Though none of them participated in tankery, they were manipulated into thinking that the alleged 'danger' to the sport was an actual threat that demanded to be neutralized. They were now committed to do whatever was needed from them.

"Now, to bring you all up to speed," Juliana continued. "We have allies in this cause of ours. If you like croissants, prepare to like them even more as the captain of the French team in the world tournament has agreed to help us. Should they ever go against the American team, they will resort to any tactics necessary to beat them savagely. Nothing is off the table for them."

Excitement existed among them all.

"But we won't be waiting around for a chance encounter. We do have a mission to work on here. We'll be doing research on a particular person, the captain of the American Team, Mojave Rose. Valarie Woodlin. Having a comprehensive profile on her will better guide the things we do. Other than a few photos of her in articles, we know next to nothing about her. She has no social media to speak of so going online to research her is pointless. But, we still have an opportunity to learn about her as this ship is on its way to Germany, where she is right now. Once we arrive, you'll all be informed of our next steps."

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