Window to the Soul

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Beta'd by kylekatarn77 and Poliamida

42. Window to the Soul

"Expectations were like fine pottery. The harder you held them, the more likely they were to crack."

Brandon Sanderson

The bright flash of the cameras made Izuku squint slightly, and he resisted the urge to rub at his face, the makeup feeling odd especially in the bright light. Unlike the last time, the reporters didn't ask any questions, instead silently snapping pictures or monitoring their equipment.

For this interview, Izuku wasn't dressed in his hero costume, but rather in a formal suit and tie. Mei, to her irritation, was once again in a skirt and blouse, though she had been allowed to wear her goggles. Hari was with them as well, in her "monkey suit" as she put it, which was a twin to Mei's own formal wear, save that she wore heels while Mei had on flat sandals. Apparently, as Hari put it, "No known force on earth can get my sister to walk a straight line in a pair of heels."

"Before we take any questions," Mr. Aizawa said, looking far from his usual self with his hair in a neat ponytail and freshly shaven, "Class 1A has something to say to all of you."

As one, the students stood, then bowed formally. "We sincerely apologize for our conduct," they said together. "We hope to live up to your expectations of us in the future."

"Unless they're dumb," Mei added.

"Mei!" Hari hissed.

"Even if they're dumb," Mei amended, then stuck her tongue out her sister which made Hari groan softly as they stood back up.

Aizawa waited as they were seated, and seemed to be waiting for something. Several reporters raised their hands, and Mei immediately popped up and pointed to one of them. "Yes, you."

To Izuku's surprise, Mr. Aizawa gave a smug, satisfied smirk as the reporter dutifully stepped forward to ask her question. Apparently, he approved of how Mei treated the press. Izuku got the impression that Mr. Aizawa considered press conferences to be an onerous chore, unlike Mr. Yamada who seemed to view them as a perk of the job.

"What led you to resort to such violent means against the other test takers?" the reporter asked. "Some people believe your methods to be overly extreme."

"They only told us we had to win, not how," Mei lectured. "Izuku was very smart and figured out the best way to make sure all our friends pass. The other people were not our friends, and it was not our job to make sure they passed. Maybe if they hadn't designed such a dumb test, that wouldn't have been a problem."

Mr. Aizawa let out a cough. "Mei, perhaps now isn't the time to blame the test. Why don't we just accept that you apologized, and move on."

"Fine, we said we are sorry and we won't do it again," Mei said with a nod. She turned back to the reporter. "Your question is answered. Go sit down."

The reporter bobbed her head, and hurried back to her seat. Mei pointed to another reporter.

"Well, I suppose this one's for you, Miss Hatsume, I-"

"Mei. My name is Mei! She is also Miss Hatsume," Mei said, pointing to her sister. "It is very confusing if you call me that! So call me Mei so I know who you are talking about, especially when Hari is here."

"Um, very well, that does seem a bit informal, but, ah, very well. Mei, what inspired you to join the hero course? Previously you seemed dead set on joining the Support Class, to make your, um, babies, as you call them."

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