when they hear you cuss for the first time

365 8 1

When they hear you cuss for the first time

035 :

I got my tail stuck in a door and a gaurd pulls my tail out "ow you bitch that hurts!" 035 gasped.

049 :

I was frustrated trying to solve a rubrics cube so I threw it and yelled "FUCK YOU, YOU DEMON CUBE!" he just looked at me shocked he never thought about me cursing

073 :

I got trapped in a cage "fuck who ever set this up they are a peace of shit! Well I mean if it was cain I take everything I just said back" Cain just stared at me in shock then got me down.

076 :

I got stuck on the ceiling by a vent grate and I was hanging upside down by my chains and couldn't get down so I started yelling/singing curse words so able would hear me and help

He just laughed and got me down.

682 :

I got shot in the stomach and I was wrapping it "fuck you, you should've been careful" he growled "I know damnit stop rubbing it in".

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