baby kicks

327 7 0

Baby kicks

035 :

At first when the baby started moving (kicking) it was extremely painful and you would wimper this confused him the first few times until he was holding you from behind hands on you're stomach when the baby kicked again and you wimpered again and he put two and two together.

049 :

You would flinch randomly and after awhile he figured it was the baby kicking and smiled and held you close, And refused to let any other doctors near you.

073 :

He was so confused and scared when he felt like baby kick you're stomach where he was.

076 :

he cried after he felt the kid kick

682 :

Eggs or babies I'll do babies  he was confused at first when you would randomly say ow flinching and just remembered you would have a different type of birth based off of what you where so he was chill.

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