when you get into a fight

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When you get into a fight

035 : you got into a fight about cats and dogs he said cats you're not very happy seeing as you have a bond with anything that descends from wolves and cats hate you.

So you tend to look or sound very threatening in tone and eyes let me say this the wolf DNA kicks the threatening level way up especially the growling you do when you are not talking and if you get hella pissed gets just say it's 10x worse. Then you go cool off then say sorry.

049 : About him over working himself and ignoring you daily.

You can be very passive aggressive when in an argument and after you are done with the argument you ignore the other until they apologize and cry in a box in a locked room in a double locked closet eating Oreos or (snack of choice) or you would just dissapear for days and come back randomly covered in injuries.

073 : over which ice cream flavor is the best (when being depressed -my usual mood- I eat mint chocolate chip ice cream in a huge ass container not caring about anything while watching or reading something but mostly watching)

You can be very calm in an argument but get mad enough you're switch is flipped you yell and turn into a fucking demon after you just hide away in you're pool away from sight unable to cry due to being in water.

076 : over what weapon is the best

You are calm collected and when you get pissed you are extremely threatening 1000x worse than 035's version and when it gets heated you go train in another cell until he apologizes or you don't come back no matter what so you come back with sharper and Better skills.

682 : killing people slowly or quickly he was Quickly

You don't really stand up for yourself but when you do you loud as hell and scary after you go ontop of the cave and calm down then apologize for being mean to him.

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