when they see you start a fight

333 7 3

When they see you start a fight

035 :

Me and 035 both allowed into the cafeteria today for a date then a d class girl started flirting with 035 he kept turning her down but she didn't get the hint, so I did what my instincts told me to and I knocked her down with a single punch to the nose so the fight started. And you hospitalized her  and you were still a safe class, He thought it was sexy that you would injure someone for him.

049 :

Me and doc playing around in the cafeteria not knowing that a d class girl came in early for lunch. She tried to seduce him so you bitch slapped her and kisses doc then proceed to beat her ass in a fight, Doc was just shocked with what was going on in front of him.

073 :

I was cuddling Cain in my containment when a d class female came into the room and started flirting with him, ignoring his attempts to tell her no and ignoring me so I got up and kicked her in the face and dragged her to the water while fighting her, eventually dragging her to the bottom killing her I go back up and cuddle Cain again.

076 :

You and able where talking about random stuff when a female gaurd came up to him and started feeling him up this pissed you off he was about to kill her but you kicked her into a wall and proceed to kill her only getting minor bruises from her trying to fight back before she was just a mauled body not even recognizable.

682 :

Didn't start a fight you did a massacre because someone was trying to kill 682 again you got pissed off.

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