going into labour

323 9 0

"we don't spill the tea when it comes to intolerance hunny.... We throw the god damn cup" said by MacDoesit.

035 :

You started whining really loud and some doctors took you out because 035 was freaking out, a few hours later you were back in the cell with you're child he cried so much holding him

049 :

You were playing with his beak when you're water broke so he did what he had to do and cried after.

073 :
he freaked out to the point extreme doesn't even start to cover it you were eventually taken out and had them he held them with pride but carefully like he was afraid that one wrong move that he would hurt them.

076 :

He handed you over to the doctors but waited outside of the door like a puppy looking for his mother trying everything to hold himself back from hearing you in pain eventually he was let in and held the girls trying to act strong holding back tears so you patted his back and he let it all out.

682 : 

682 didn't know because he was busy so you kinda went with the doctors and nurses and after went back with them all to see him chained down "wow the first time they see you and you are chained down" I say hella annoyed he looks at me an the children and rubs against me "Also no way in hell I'm letting them near you when you get out of that acid hun" I walk away and put them all down in the nest I made then go unchain him then he boop's me and I go back to the babies and play with them.

-okay this is the last scenario with these kids until further notice-

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