Chapter Thirty-Five

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Chapter Thirty-Five

Quinn is downstairs, eagerly telling his story of Valsea and his role as a servant of Penella. The four had wanted to know more about the other worlds, including Maltha and Procratus. They also wanted to know about Kia’s abilities, but they were especially interested in Quinn’s telling of Penella’s crime and the ripping of her soul. At the part of her death, I decided to leave and find Daneth.

            I find him in his assigned room, sitting cross-legged on the bed with the Othsqire held firmly in his hands.

            Hesitantly, I sit beside him. “I am sorry,” I tell him. “I didn’t have the heart to tell you the truth in Procratus. I had to give you time to heal; to come to terms with your father’s death. Only then was I going to tell you.”

            “I had already come to terms,” he mumbles, tracing patterns against the sleek black of the device. “I came to terms because I thought he was going to come back. You lied to me,” his voice is reduced to mere whispers. “You should’ve told me the truth – you shouldn’t have lied!”

            I nod, “I know, Daneth, and I am so incredibly sorry. You have to understand… I could not do it. I guess…” I sigh, “you were not the only who had to come to terms. Julen was a good friend to me; I guess I needed time to heal as well.”

            “You still should’ve told me.”

            “I know, and for that I apologize. I should have told you the truth,” I look at him. “Do you think you could forgive me? When you are ready to?”

            He meets my eyes, and all I can see is Julen. “Just don’t ever lie to me again, okay? My dad never liked liars and I don’t either.” He straightens his shoulders, “I’m going to go get some food.” With this, he stands and walks out of the room, giving Atticus the opportunity to stride in.

            “You were listening,” I say, irritation bubbling in my voice. “Eavesdropping is—”

            “Wrong,” he interrupts. “I know. But I would like to know what kind of crowd I’m getting myself into, and liars are people I don’t particularly take kindly to,” he gives a sly smile.

            I purse my lips, “what is it you need?”

            He moves further into the room, passing me and opening the doors to the balcony. “Come outside with me,” he says.

            I meet him outside, feeling the cool wind immediately caress my face as I step onto the balcony. The caress reminds me of Penella’s airy touch whenever I would report to her. I wonder if she ever did the same to the Agents.

            “It was too hot in there,” he tilts his head inside the house. “I also wanted to talk to you in private.”

            “What do you need?” I ask, resting my elbows on the cold railing.

            He does the same, “how did you come to be the Warrior of Valsea?” he asks, speaking the title with flair and dramatic hand motions.

            I give him a smile and explain the events of how I arrived in Valsea as well as how she blessed me with the abilities of strength, stealth and general combat. “I was deeply indebted to her for everything she gave me. I still am, even in her death.”

            “I don’t understand,” he says. “You had the resources to leave – why did you stay?”

            “I could have fled,” I shrug. “All I needed to acquire was an orb to transport me out of Valsea, and Penella had poured enough trust in me to grant me access to the supplies. Yet, I knew I was too deeply ingrained in that world to simply abandon it. The longer I stayed in it, the more I felt an attachment to it that was impossible to erase. I could not leave the world I had sworn to protect.”

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