Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Chapter Thirty-Seven

            Daneth’s expression is one of utter frustration, however Kia’s look of pure outrage is what causes almost everyone to flinch. “What do you mean I have to stay here?!” she nearly shouts.

        “It is only logical that you stay. You and Daneth will remain here where it is safe,” I tell them. “Don’t think that your being here will be in vain. I need you to find Cyrus’ Hall and take us there when we return.” I can almost hear her mentally correcting me: if we return, she must be thinking.

        “She is right,” Quinn adds. “If we are to restore the system here in Maltha, we will need a Hall for Lysandra to lead from.” At his last words, my chest clenches and a sharp rush courses through me. I say nothing, for that is a topic better left discussed after Norun’s death.

        Kia purses her lips and glances at Daneth, “looks like you’re stuck with me.”

        Daneth, who had appeared less than enthusiastic at the prospect of him staying in Maltha, gives a glittering smile to her. “Okay,” he breathes.

        Atticus, who watches the scene beside me, leans towards me. “How old is he?”

        “Around nine years old.”

        A short laugh bursts from his lips, “ah, little boy crushes. They never fail to humour me. He does realize that Kia’s too old for him, right?”

        I give him a sly smile, “for now, let us leave him to fantasize. It will keep him occupied while we are away.”


        “Are you sure we’re ready?” Annette asks, her pale blue eyes wide. She plays with her fingers and continuously taps her foot against the ground.

        “We have no time to be ready,” I tell them all. “I was prepared for the first battle, yet we still lost. Whether we are ready or not makes no difference in times of war; all that matters is how strongly we will fight for what we want.”

          Quinn nods, “we know that we gave you no choice. We threatened your lives in order for you to help us, and we know that you truly have no care for this battle. However, think about your own loved ones in Atriel. If the system is not restored, they will die and never be reborn to live again. They will simply become dust in the universe with no more purpose; is that what you want? They have the chance to live incredible lives over and over again; if you need something to fight for – fight for that.” I look at Quinn, seeing his expression become resolute. Perhaps it was never me who was meant to rule.

         “Not only that,” Atticus adds, “but fight for your own chance to live all over again.”

         Darren and Annette look at each other, and then to me. “We’ll do what you need done.”

         “Same here,” Morgan nods.

         “I already told you how I feel,” Atticus says beside me.

          I look at the four of them, taking in their eyes as they wait for me to respond. My heart stutters in realization that they have chosen me to lead them. Not simply into this battle, but afterwards as well. Is this what it feels like to rule? Is this what it feels like to be served?

          My throat constricts; no. I am only here to lead them into battle. I am here as a Warrior, not as a goddess. I am here to bring Norun to his knees and make him look into my eyes as he realizes that he will not win this fight – that he will be the one to fall.

        If there is anyone with the heart of a ruler, it must be Quinn. I have seen him speak with the others; gaining their trust and standing like a true leader. If we are to establish the system here in Maltha, it is only obvious; he is the son of Cyrus, previous reigning god of this world. If someone is to be the next ruler, it should be Quinn. However, that is not the matter at hand.

         I take a deep breath, “then we will go into battle together and with strong hearts.” I look to Quinn, who gives me a reassuring smile. “We all know what we must do. All we need to do is do it right.”

            Kia, who had been sitting on a nearby rock, stands. “You forgot a tiny little detail,” she pinches her fingers together. Without waiting for anyone to respond, she continues, “I was supposed to come with you to tell Atticus where the leaders are, remember?”

            Oh. I had completely forgotten. “It is still too dangerous for you, Kia,” I argue.

            She rolls her eyes, “I know, but have no fear, I have a solution.” She moves to stand in front of Atticus, who looks at her with confused eyes. “One of the perks of my ability is that I can transfer information to other people. I can give you the whereabouts of the leaders now, that way you can go to Cestea without me.”

            “Cestea?” Quinn interrupts.

            “It’s the name of Norun’s world. Now,” she looks at Atticus. “Close your eyes and don’t think about anything. Clear your mind.” She places her hands against the sides of his head and then closes her own eyes.

            They are both silent for a long moment, each second passing with our eyes locked on the two figures. After what seems like hours, Kia opens her eyes and pulls away. Atticus blinks down at her, his forehead creasing. “Whoa,” he breathes.

            “All done,” Kia chirps.

            “I guess it’s time to go,” Darren murmurs. He slings his gun over his shoulder, Annette and Morgan following suit.

            “I still need a connection to teleport us there,” Morgan reminds us. “And Kia can’t do it, otherwise she’ll be brought with us.”

            “I can do it,” Atticus steps forward. “Now that I know where the leaders are, I have some sort of connection to Cestea.”

            “Perfect,” Quinn smiles, and then looks at me. “Is it time?”

        I look around at everyone’s expectant expressions. I nod, “it is time.”

        We form a circle, grasping each other’s hands as Morgan touches Atticus’ shoulder. I close my eyes, and the feel of dirt and grass under my feet is gone.

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