Shoto pov

I woke up in the morning. My back hurt and stung like hell. My throat was dry and partched as hell along with the fact that my red hair had begun to mix with the perfect white hair. That is what angered me the most. So naturally I got out of bed and went straight to the mirror parting the double Volos away from each other. Never would I allow my mother and father to mix. They didn't belong together not even their colors. I was a mix of the two. I shouldn't be here. I shook the though from my mind took a quick shower before changing into my school uniform. It was just another day that was until I checked my phone. A message from Katsuki-Tan. I thought while silently cursing myself for still calling the teen Tan. I wasn't five anymore. I could just say kun without mispronouncing the words. I clicked on the message and began reading. It wasn't like Katsuki-Tan to write rushed and in improper sentences. 

Katsu  cat: He suicide gone bush come i house

I read through it again the word suicide had made my heart skip a few beats then completely stop for at least a minute when I realized who Katsuki was talking about. Izuku-Tan! I told Katsuki I'd be at his place in a minute and sure enough a minute later I was inside of his house. He looked at me I could tell he was shocked. I was as well.

"K-katsu? He failed to commit it r-right?" I say stumbling into the house. But when he didn't respond I felt something snap. Izuku has killed himself. But why? He was always so happy? I couldn't thinkZ I couldn't even take the time to breath. 

"no...." was all I could manage to say and before I was able to do another thing I blacked out.

Katsuki pov

Shoto mumbled a small 'no' then blacked out. I just barely caught him and brought the shocked teen to the couch where I laid his head in my lap. Izuku was gone. He was gone and I didn't even get the chance to say goodbye bye. I didn't get to go and get him help. He was always cheerful, but the more o though about how happy and good he'd seemed I realized that I had never spotted him during lunch. And he had seemed way too happy. 

Three Notes( suicidal Todoroki, Midoriya and Bakugou)Where stories live. Discover now