A few hours back

Shoto pov

I stepped into Fuyumi's room to see her lying on the ground a pool of her own blood under her. there was a knife in her stomach. I raced my own breath to her side and brushed the hair from her face. her eyes were open but after a bit, they never closed. she was dead. Dead. how? 
"Fuyumi!!! speak to me!!" I shouted so loud that I was sure even someone in America could hear me. yet no one came and Fuyumi didn't smile at me her eyes were hollow and blank. I shuddered and began to have another crying fit. How and who did this? I wondered while crying. 

After I began to stop crying I realized a note was stuck in her hands. I pulled it free and opened it. my heart leaped when I noticed the print and the label at the top. It was from the Hospital that Mom was located. I read the note. But stopped when I read the first sentence. 
I'm horrible sorry for your loss, Ms. Kori has passed away. 

Passed away? as in died? why are they all dying? I began to cry yet again. not knowing how much more of the suffering I would be able to take. I realized that the death of my sister was probably another Suicide. and something I couldn't stop. If I had gone home by myself I would've been there for her. If I was better Mother wouldn't be in the hospital. She wouldn't be dead. If I was a good friend to Izuku he would still be here. If I had taken responsibility Touya would be here with us. If I had been better I wouldn't have to be even thinking this. If I were dead it would all end. If I never met Izuku or Katsu then I could live a little better. If I had been better. If I were dead right now, I could be with all three. Maybe even Touya if he didn't get far from home. I looked back at the note. they had written moms name as Ms. Kori her old surname before father imprisoned her in this house. I was done. I was done. and thats when I wrote it. my note to Katsu. and my note to Touya. 

Three Notes( suicidal Todoroki, Midoriya and Bakugou)Where stories live. Discover now