Dear Sho and Kacchan,

I would like you two to know that you are getting the third note. I wrote a total of three one for each parent though the second will never be read. And this one, the one  for you two. I'm sorry I never told I uounabout the suffering I was going through, I though that it wouldn't get this bad but it did and now I'm not here. I though that Sho, you already had to deal with your own father and since my problems weren't as big and as horribly messed up as yours it wouldn't be useful to explain it to you. That's the same for you Kacchan. But this happened and now the note you read now, the author of it is dead. Just so the two of you knew this I was suffering from trauma of my uh younger sister. You two were close to me but never met Sayaka. She was killed in a bus accident when we were going into middle school. She was in 4th grade. That's when it started gift me. The double me. Or as others called it. Multiple personality disorder. I had a second me I guess but it wasn't me at the same times I hid them well but they harmed my body making cuts all over my skin! I didn't know what to do. It got worst and worst and I am barely able to keep myself from literally stabbing this pencil into my eye as I write. I'm just a mistake to this world. Goodbye Shoto and goodbye Katsuki. I loved you both.


Aizwa pov

I watched as the two began to cry while reading the note. I didn't want to read it. It wasn't for me to read. They handed it back to me and I took it getting up and tucking it into my desk until they were ready to take it. I went to the cafeteria and got two small bowls of cold soba. One of the quit spicy. I brought them back to the boys and set the food in front telling them to eat when they were ready. Everyone else had gone off to eat but I'm sure none were eating very much. But the others would recover faster then these two boys. It was clear they needed years no lifetimes to get over this. They would never be able to.

Three Notes( suicidal Todoroki, Midoriya and Bakugou)Where stories live. Discover now