Shoto pov

I normally loved eating soba but today I couldn't even look at it. the smell made me want to puke. I pushed my face into Katsuki-Tan's chest trying to keep the smell away. I might even be able to suffocate myself in his smell. I thought while more tears leaked from my eyes. I hated this feeling of loosing someone. I had lost my brother and mother but in different ways. But neither had died, Izuku-Tan had actually killed himself! I whimpered. He was actually gone. 
"Oh come on, I'm right infront of you!" teased a voice.  I snapped my head up and saw no one. Just my stupid brain playing tricks on me. I noticed that class had sorta began again but no one paid me or Katsu any attention. Uraraka the little brat was crying her eyes out yet her eyes didn't show any sorrow. had she really cared about Izu? I wondered while getting the urge to puke again. I bit my lip until it bled sucking on the blood. It made me feel worse because I thought about the villains a certain one, Himiko Toga who claimed she loved Izu. 

~time skip~
when the bell rang I lost my mind for a few seconds. giving myself the perfect second to release puke. I doubled over and disgustingly puked on the ground narrowly missing Katsu. he stared at me. 
"I-I'm sorry." I say in a small voice. he shook his head.
"It's alright." He says scooting over to the side a little. Tsuyu-san saw what happened and grabbed a paper towel and rushed over.
"Todoroki-san. are you alright should we get you to recovery girl?" she asked worry in her voice and eyes. traces that she had been crying earlier were on her face but nothing more. She had cared for Izuku-Tan unlike Uraraka who looked more like she had been faking.
"Yeah, I'll be fine." I say to her. she nodded though It was clear she didn't believe me. and ton honest I didn't either. I wasn't gonna be okay.

Three Notes( suicidal Todoroki, Midoriya and Bakugou)Where stories live. Discover now