[His 'study' sessions]

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James is fuming.

"SIRIUS ORION BLACK GET YOUR ASS IN HERE RIGHT NOW!" James shouted from the dorms.

Sirius removed his face from Remus' as he heard him yell down. Sirius was perfectly content, lying on top of Remus as they made out in the empty common room, but of course James just had to.

"Someone's in trouble," Remus said, looking genuinely afraid.

"I'll be right back," Sirius says as he pressed one more kiss to Remus' lips and rolled off him. "I hope. If I'm not it's because he murdered me."

Sirius jogged up the stairs to be met with a very sassy? James. He had a hand on his hip and was glaring at him.

"How may I help you, my lovely," Sirius said to him. He was slightly afraid, though he would never admit, and tried not to wilt under his impossibly intimidating and accusing gaze. It wasn't quite to the calibre of Lily's, but it was close enough.

"Where on earth do these come from?" James asked, no, demanded, as he yanked down Sirius collar and exposed his hickey quilted neck. James' eyes widened when he saw some of them were fresh from his recent doing with Remus just a minute ago. "Oh my God! Were you just with them?"

"I have no idea what your talking about, Jamsie."

"I am so confused. I keep looking on the map to see who your with but all it ever shows is you probably harassing Remus while he tries to study in that old classroom Slughorn used to use."


{August 27th, 2020, 21:58}

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