[He's scared]

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Remus shoved himself and Sirius into an abandoned potions classroom in the depths of the dungeons as to avoid a slightly tiddly Professor Slughorn who was meandering about the corridors. 

It was pitch black. Sirius hated the dark; it would always remind him of the room he was locked in at Grimmauld Place, especially in the crepuscular light. He fidgeted nervously next to Remus who's face he could barely make out.

"'S so dark . . . " he observed, not holding eye contact with his friend, although he couldn't really see anything. " . . . 's not like I'm scared or anything . . . "

Remus smirked inwardly to himself, repressing his eye roll. He knew what was coming. 

"Just a bit dark, I s'pose," he rocked back and forwards on his heels.

Remus sighed, obviously being able to see Sirius, wolf form or not. "Sirius, would you like me to hold your hand?"

Sirius stopped squirming and stayed still. Sooner or later, his face brightened significantly. "Well," he drawled and Remus growled, "if you insist."

Remus pouted.

{October 9th, 2020, 17:50} 

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