[His socks]

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"Of course we're not going to kick you out!" Sirius said disbelievingly. "Why on bloody earth would we ever do that?"

"Because- because I'm a monster!" Remus yelled back. He wanted to cry. He was so scared they found out.

"You're being dramatic," James rolled his eyes. Peter nodded from his bed.

"I'm not! I could hurt you I-I could kill you!" Remus cried.

James quirked a brow. "You fold your socks, Remus, forgive me for not trembling at the sight of you."

Remus just stared with his mouth slightly ajar. James left with Peter and the second that door shut, Sirius was on top of him.

"Mph, Siri, Jeez-"

"You bloody idiot. Why would we kick you out- How can say things like this about yourself?" He said, muffled by Remus' hair. "You do fold your socks as well, no one else does that."

"Shut up, that is not the point- AHH- Mmm"

Sirius kissed Remus so hardly that he sent them both toppling backwards to lying on the bed. Remus sighed through his nose. He still had his friends and that's something he never thought possible after what doctors and Lyall and Hope and Merrythought had told him about what people think of werewolves. But that was just anybody. James, Sirius and Peter weren't just anybody, though, that was for certain. They didn't fall into that category. They would forever be everything to Remus.

{September 11th, 2020, 20:45. Based on Snape's memory in ootp.}

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