Chapter 4: Family ties

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"You better know that you will have harder consequences now!" Ramse speak up but Gertrude comes to her mind senses, that he's Rautha's offspring.

"With that attitude, I have no doubt why you become Rautha's son." Gertrude sarcastically smiled.

"Oh you don't even know that we will have so much fun when you realize that it's a big torture for you!"

She saw that he was bringing a grenade launcher but it was been mixed up with chemical gases substance that it can be possibly deadly to her.

" seriously, is this what Caligula wants now? You know that I have so many reasons why I have to do this, I didn't mean to betray you all if that's what you all thinking."

"Stop explaining this nonsense!" Anestesia was starting to point at gun to her and the rest of the troops.

"Anestesia, I'm sorry I only do this for my daughter...Caligula will harm her for sure and so I have to do this on a hard way..." Gertrude begged showing her pity on Anestesia.

"That won't work."

"I'm serious, I'm only thinking about her...that doesn't matter if you want to kill me but I only care about Leonie right now, Rautha knows what my intentions are that's why he gives me a last chance to see her again, you should know how I feel right now..."

"Enough with the drama already!" Ramse yelled and he was going to shoot but Gertrude falls down even know he didn't start to shoot yet.

"What just happened?!" Anestesia seems to be very confused.

The troops are coming closer to her but suddenly Gertrude wakes up and grabbed the troops in front of them, she hold one of the troop's gun to shoot to Anestesia and Ramse, she was turning around to shoot many troops around her.

And then she shouldered the troop that she grabbed to his neck to take the troop down. She was keep shooting Ramse and Anestesia as well they tried to shoot Gertrude, but Gertrude quickly go inside of the headquarters and quickly closes the door.

"Damn it! We couldn't open it and now that we lose our troops that fast!" Anestesia was very frustrated and she was trying to figure out how to get in.

"You're too slow, why do you let her in!" Ramse scolded her and she harshly breathes.

"Oh please, now you're blaming me just like that! Do you even see that I'm wounded already; I think you are even weak too, just like Rautha. You were the same!"

"Don't even compare me with that lame man! I'm not like him, I was only following Caligula's instruction to punish her, now that we have no time to waste, and we have to open this stupid door."

Gertrude was going to leave but the guard suddenly hit her head with a baton, she was trying to figure out how to get off with mind control that was been set to the guard.

"Please, I didn't mean to hurt you..." Gertrude was standing up slowly and she was very focus to the guard.

The guard was going to sway the baton but she holds the baton and hit her shoulder on the guard's neck that made it fall down.

"Stop following Caligula! You have to mind that!" She said but the guard didn't listen to her and he tries to punch her but he misses it.

"You are the one who deserved to get punish!" the guard said.

"Well I don't deserve it and Caligula isn't your leader."

She punches the guard to the chin and suddenly the guard falls down unconsciously and someone shoot at her back, and its Ramiro, she thought it was done but it wasn't.

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