Chapter 3: Operation Code 014

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Rautha was been taken to the laboratory and he's been tied up very tight into the bed. He was going to pay the consequences after what he did.

"Hey you better let me out of here! I don't want to be trapped and you messed me up again here! I don't even care about why you only care about yourself!" Rautha yelled but Ramse was annoyed hearing him.

"Stop complaining, I'm telling you that you have to suffer the consequences..." Ramse smiled with his evil grin.

"I'm your father and I have to say what you have to do now! You have to let me out of here and let me have time to talk to Francine."

"I don't want to hear any excuses, you have to suffer."

Rautha was been injected connected to the tank, so that he could make another offspring of his own. Caligula was observing the laboratory and she still feels disappointed that it takes a lot of time fixing destroyed machine and experimented syringe that it's used alternatively for making offspring.

Caligula came and slowly walk using her very mechanical walking stick, that it has a lot of functions as well, to talk to Ramse.

"I think you are becoming more functional but we are going to start to talk about the Code014. It is the most dangerous plan that we are going to make, you are going to do that with Ramiro, now that he instantly grows up and he's ready to fight." Caligula explains to him and he's very impressed to her.

"I know that I won't let you down. But we will make sure that this time Gertrude is going to be dead, that's what we all wanted."

"I know, so afterwards I'm going to get Leonie and no one will stop me so I need a lot of members who can help me to destroy her, she's lucky that she could survive without any doctor's help for now, but not too long, she has to suffered too long."

"How about we settle a bomb and then she dies and the rest of the people that she care?"

She shook her head in disbelief. "That won't make me satisfied and it's not the part of the plan, we like to torture them first before we kill them, that's what I wanted to Gertrude, she betray us here and she deserved to get suffered even more. I don't like instant to kill..."

"But I think that was much better, right?"

"Listen to me Ramse, Gertrude ruined our laboratory and all of my mother's work is totally destroyed and so she was going to pay for it, for real."

"I know I get that."

"So I inform you, little Rautha II, Ramiro and I will give you some assistant, she was called Project Lauren, Lauren will be a big help, incase Gertrude was thinking an extraordinary ideas. I think all of you will have a task, as I mentioned, you are involved with Code 014, and then the members who aren't, will do something else Francine, she would do something harder."

"Even she's a little kid..."

"No, she wasn't called a little kid, when it comes to face all the pathetic people who are against her. Francine is one good and we are going to make an experiment today, to this special operation called Code014, what makes it so special. It's special because other people here are involved..."

He smiles with his evil grin. "Oh I know what you are planning."

She chuckled while they are going together to their meeting area to talk about their plan further, at midnight, Gertrude was waking up and she sees that she's already lying to her bed, she was seeing that Erich was already sleeping in front of her, also Leonie was sleeping besides her.

She starts smiling when she's seeing Leonie was fine. "Leonie, my girl....finally it's good to see you."

Leonie was waking up and she smiled when she saw that her mother was already awake and Gertrude yet has no energy and she needs a lot of rest.

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