Chapter 11: Many against one

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Techno II grabs Gertrude to push her from the potted plants and she throws him a lot of rock and kick to his legs quickly.

"Please, you don't have to waste your time on me! Do you think you can stop me by that?" Gertrude said angrily and he just smiled evilly.

"Do you think you could stop me now? I think your regretting about us, don't will enjoy this moment of getting tortured."

He was planning to get a gun to his pocket but she suddenly kicks his nuts and didn't expect it.

"Now, do you still want to waste time on me? I think you couldn't do anything to stop me now, you won't even won a war against me, I can prove that you can't kill me and you will be one of pathetic too!"

"Come on, we should be a family but you ruined it!"

He was going to punch her face but he missed it when she grabbed his arm and push him to the wall, at the safe house, Erich was worried and didn't know how he could help Gertrude.

"I think we should help Gertrude and I can't stay here any longer while knowing that she was in danger again." Erich said and he was still thinking about her.

"Well she said that we should have to stay here and guard the kid. Also it's dangerous if we are going to find her right now."

"No, I can't really stay here longer while she was been chased with Evil Forces and we're here just to stay?"

"Come on Erich this is ridiculous, I think you have to believe that she can survive this and you know that she did once, so I know that she will always get survive."

"But we didn't know if we can."

Emily came and caught that they were talking together in the living room.

"The kid warns us that many troops are coming and I didn't know if they are planning to get the kid but she said that they are planning to kill Gertrude and many of them are going to attack her." Emily said to them and he's getting more worried.

"Oh come on, I can't really stay here for longer and I think that this is really pointless that we're not doing anything to help her now. I think that we have to save her somehow because I don't want her to get killed."

"Erich, I think I can do that if you are still worrying about her, but let's wait an hour if she didn't come back then we will find her."

Rosa was like getting confuse. "Oh please, don't tell me you're starting to do your plans guys and now that you're going to leave me here again, please I get scared when the evil kiddo was coming to get me!"

"Rosa, this is very important that now I need to save Gertrude. I don't want to get her in danger again; I know I feel this is happening really badly."

"Erich...relax, I think Gertrude was a tough girl...I think that you're always been too much concern and besides she wasn't your wife or something..."

Erich shook his head in disbelief. "Well, I know she wasn't but I realize that she's very important to us now if she gets killed and definitely her child will be too, you have to mind that, Rosa."

"I know that was the reason why you're worried, well if I think about it in a romantic way and I think Gertrude was way too old for you, and you never know about her whole family or any stuff she likes, than being an Evil Forces, come on..."

"Okay we can help her if she couldn't come back an hour then I will going to find her and also I think Erich can come with me, while Rosa you stick with the kid...also stay alert."

"Come on guys, I don't like this kind of plan!" Rosa scratches her and had no choice but to follow their first plan.

Then Anestesia was trying to call Techno but she couldn't see clearly her contacts and still worried that she couldn't get Gertrude.

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