Chapter 14: Evil Forces' endgame

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The troop barge the door in to the basement and caught Rosa, Flendale and Leonie was hiding there, they were all pointing the gun at them.

"Please don't kill me! I'm telling you that we're here because we want to survive!" Rosa begged to them while tense.

"You have to bring Leonie here first and then we were not going to kill you." The troops said and she got scared.

"Please, I don't allow you to take the kid away! I want the kid to be with the mother and you know that I have good intentions."

"She has a family there; Caligula can take care of her."

Flendale confront them while Rosa was holding Leonie's arms very tight.

"Please, we don't want to cause any trouble and I think it's better if we had a deal, can you promise that you won't kill us then?" Flendale asks them but the troops were also whispered to each other and talk about it.

Rosa feels that he's making a bad idea and she shouldered Flendale. "This is ridiculous, now you wanted to deal with them, this is the worst thing that we ever did!"

"Rosa, I had no choice but we have to save ourselves too...I just wish I can do something about it."

"Then I will come with you." Leonie suddenly speaks up and Rosa was starting to get worried.

"No kiddo, you are not going with them. You are going to stay with us, remember that your mother wants that and think about what they are going to do with you; they will definitely torture you for sure."

"If you're going to talk longer then we will go to kill you!"

The troops are starting targeting them but Rosa was scared and tried to beg in front of them.

"Please I'm too young to die, don't do this to me! I don't want this kind of happy ending that you're going to kill me."

Leonie voluntarily come with the troops but Flendale couldn't do to stop them, and either Rosa. Gertrude and Erich were finally almost at the safe house and suddenly someone communicates through her mind.

'I have to come with them, mother'

She feels frustrated and he notices it.

"What's wrong?" Erich asks her worriedly.

"Leonie has to come voluntarily with the troops and I have to run faster to chase them!" Gertrude said and she runs even faster.

"Wait, Gertrude wait!"

She runs even faster and didn't notice that she could run even quicker than the normal athlete, and then she was almost at the safe house and seeing that Leonie was walking away with Evil Troops. She was then was going to shoot one of the troops and they were also going to shoot Gertrude.

Leonie was going to walk away but he other troops get her and they were also attempting to shoot her but Gertrude shoots one of them.

"You have to hang on Leonie; you have to go back to house!" Gertrude told Leonie while she was shooting the other troops around her.

Leonie was trying to leave but Anestesia came with other troops and unexpectedly grabs the child and Gertrude was even angrier.

"You better say it's too late now Gertrude, you regret that you locked me up there and you think I'm not really going to survive with that." Anestesia said and laughs with her evil grin.

"If you're trying to kill her then I will make sure that I can kill my own family this time! Luckily I gave you a chance to live!" Gertrude said angrily.

Evil Forces: Code014Where stories live. Discover now