Chapter 5: We are all fighting

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The prisoners are going to let Gertrude to stand up but she feels that they are going to do something bad to her, she bang her head to the prisoner man 1, who got suddenly unconscious but Anestesia didn't expect it and she was trying to break free from the chain that has been tied up to her, but the prisoner 2 was going to punch her in the head, but she tries to avoid it and only sense it through her mind, Anestesia didn't expect that she avoid that.

"Well, well I didn't expect that." Anestesia said.

The prisoner was going to get a weapon that are lying but Gertrude run to him so he was been fall down to the table and he groans at pain. She tries to get the laser under her back in the crushed table, she struggling to use it, so she accidentally laser her back but finally she finally untie her hands and she pointed and slice the laser beam at Ramse's left foot, so his left foot was been cut.

"Oh damn!!" Ramse screamed in pain but Anestesia seem so shocked and she was trying to figure out to help him.

"We have to call the troops and to punish her more!" Anestesia said while she was starting to get worried.

Gertrude finally removed her blindfold and while she was holding the laser and she almost pointed it to them both.

"Now you are not going to stop me then, right?!" Gertrude asks them angrily and she cut his right foot but she couldn't do anything to help him. "Leave me alone or else I will make sure that I will both cut your heads and if I should do that to Caligula then I had no choice but to do it!"

"I'm not going to allow you that!" Ramse yelled while he was suffering in pain.

She was leaving but Anestesia run to her and wants to stop her.

"I won't allow you to go anywhere, after what you did! You are coming with me."

She shook her head. "An, I told you that I am going to stop her and so if you are so kind not trying to kill me just like that then I won't do anything to Ramse or to Caligula, because this is too much."

Gertrude pushes Anestesia forcefully and she was planning to continue her plan to stop Caligula but she almost leave the training room and Ramse was very when he couldn't do anything to stop her.

"Are you even insane? Are you not going to stop her now?!" Ramse asks angrily to Anestesia.

"What do you want me to do then? To think about it now, I will go to take you home and I can give her harder punishment this time, you don't need to die in a time like this, we are doing a serious mission that Caligula assigned to us."

"But we shouldn't let her escape!"

"Oh come on, I also shouldn't let you die's very important that you need to survive, don't worry there are plenty of us who are going to kill her, right now I'm going to call a medic!"

She heard a noise and she realizes that the door was locked automatically and they are both starting to get worried.

"No! This isn't happening!" Ramse was worried at the same time he was very disappointed.

She breathes calmly. "Okay, I will let you survive and don't worry we can figure out how, I can you call a medic immediately and just calm down, I know you can survive this."

She rush to get her phone to call the medic, meanwhile Sandra was trying to go at Flendale's place and she see that many dead troops are in there and many blood stains on the wall, she was going to steal one of the troops gun, so she can use it for backup.

She was trying to call Alexander, so that she knows if he was still alive. In a minute someone answered.


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