Chapter 20

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In a week, Sheridan lent me a new cell phone and a new SIM card, because I had no means of communication when I used to leave guest house for any reason. But I strictly prohibited myself from using social media or anything because I didn't want to get traced by any chance. But then an idea popped up in my mind. I created a fake social media account registered on the new number Sheridan gave me. I explored it for a little while.
My phone had a few contacts, Sheridan, Nephi, Len, Maricur, Avlis and other workers. Sheridan had mentioned that it was business phone so I had to use it wisely. He wouldn't spare my life if he got to know that I gave it to Nephi.
Sheridan kept asking me questions from time to time but I made excuses. They were not good excuses since I'm a bad liar but I tried my best. I had decided not to tell anyone and did so. When I used to go out, I wore a cap, spectacles and a scarf around my neck that covered up to my chin. And it's been a long time since I last wore a lipstick. You know, lipstick makes your face look more prominent and attractive. And by the way, I rarely used to go out. After that embarrassment in the cafe with Nephi, I always met Nephi in the guest house lounge, Sheridan made faces in the beginning, but then he got used to it. My life got smoother day by day. Or else, I can say, I got comfortable with living that way. But the guilt episodes I had to face once a week: were truly bad. I was sick of it.
Exactly a year later, Sheridan proposed me for a relationship. I rejected as expected. I couldn't develop a relationship based on lies and hidden agendas. It's better to say no: it may be offensive for a little while, than to lie and hurt someone so bad that they start hating you. I had a very few people I knew, and I couldn't afford one of them to hate me. Your choices matter at every step of life. I had been following my heart since eternity, but now I started using my brain. And this is what made my adulthood different from my teenage.
“Why don't you just accept my proposal? Do you not like me now? Do you?” asked Sheridan, when we were sitting on the rooftop at night, watching the stars.
“I have my reasons.” I said in a very low tone.
“I really like you...” he whispered leaning towards my ear. He was so close now and it made me a little uncomfortable. Sheridan turned my face to him holding my chin and the very next moment he slowly came closer to kiss me, the early February cold breeze and the dark sky with silver stars seemed like someone sprinkled glitter over a pitch black sheet, made a perfect scene for warm romance.
“Hey!” I pushed him away getting back to my senses and hit the back of his head with my fist, just before his lips touched mine. I didn't let him kiss me, “Don't you ever come near me without asking!” I said being very calm.
“Oh come on! You've changed a lot I can clearly see that. If we were in school, you would be dying to kiss me.” he said in a protesting way.
“Fine! I'm sorry.” he said and I gave him an annoying glare.

19th February 2020

“Something bad must have happened.” I thought to myself.
I had received text messages from Nephi and Sheridan. Nephi asked me to stay in and not get out at any cost. And Sheridan texted me to stay in the guest house and even close it until he comes back. He had been out since morning. There was just one guest staying who also left a couple of hours ago. Len and all other workers also got off work. So I closed the guest house as I was ordered to do. The second message I received from Nephi made my heart skip beats and I didn't find my voice. In a hiccup, I lost my voice and senses at first. It was this:
“Don't go out today please, you are viral over social media.”
I went into Sheridan's office and locked myself in. I got so scared. (I always had a spare key for his office, in case of an emergency). I was feeling sick out of terror and anxiety. I felt dizzy and the world seemed upside down. But I grabbed a glass of water and calmed myself down. I'm just going to turn twenty-three, I don't want to get arrested and spend a life time imprisoned. So many terrible thoughts haunted me at the moment, when I was hit by the ringtone of phone. Sheridan was calling me. The situation choked me badly. I attended the call very hardly.
“H-h-hello?” I said.
“Unlock the door, I'm outside.” he claimed.
“D-do you have police with you?!” I asked in a trembling voice.
“No. Open the door, I will talk to you. Trust me.”
I stood up gathering my strength, went outside and cautiously opened the door holding a mop in my hand (as I thought I could protect myself against cops with this useless mop)
Sheridan was really alone. He came in and locked the door for my satisfaction. He held my hand and walked towards the lounge. He sat with me.
“It seems you've already known what has happened and what is happening...” he said in a very low tone, almost in a whisper.
“Please save me!” I started crying.
“It's not that cops are after you,” he continued, “your father uploaded your picture with your details and claimed that you're wanted for a murder attempt. And that the person who reports you will get rewarded, and unfortunately, it got viral on social media in just thirty hours.”
I wasn't disappointed. I could have expected it. I was just worried and stressed out.
“Is it true?” he asked as if he couldn't believe it. I nodded.
“Why didn't you tell me before?” he asked politely.
“I was afraid that you would report me.” I said.

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