Chapter 1

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" know lady Quinella dislikes you studying magic..." Alice's voice rang through the palace library, startling the flaxen haired boy who was excitedly reading a book about primal magic.

The boy in query raised his head, a pout adorned on his face. He loved learning about magic- he found it very interesting. However, as a human he was unable to actually perform spells...

"I was simply reading, Alice..." He replied, slowly lowering the book. He knew Alice was mildly suspicious about his interests- but she had never asked him any questions. As a prince, it was recommended that he be educated, it however wasn't mandatory to be educated in magic. Especially primal magic.

Primal magic had originated from the land of Xadia- elves and magical creatures all have direct connections to one of the six primal sources- The Earth, the Sky, the Ocean, the Sun, Moon and the Stars. Eugeo was but a simple human, and had no such connections- but he enjoyed the draconic language nonetheless.

"If you are so enthralled by magic- why not ask sister Selka to teach you some dark magic?" Alice suggested, moving over to Eugeo and picking up one of the many books he had collected. Her face changed to one of curiosity to disappointment. "Lady Quinella even told you that you should try it..." She added.

Eugeo was never the type to go against direct orders- but this was something he blatantly disagreed with.

Dark magic does not connect to any of the Primal Sources. Instead, it draws upon the power within magical creatures themselves. The ease and potency of dark magic caused humans to hunt and poach magical creatures to harvest their energy. Shortly put, Eugeo did not want to kill magical creatures just to perform some spells. He'd much rather learn about primal magic, and not be able to perform any spells, than that.

"Thank you for the suggestion but- I'd rather not partake in that." Eugeo said, he stood up and started to pile his books into one stack. He wanted to get away from this conversation as quickly as possible. Alice was always so determined, and he felt bad when he had to turn her ideas down. Her heart was in the right place, but Eugeo couldn't agree with a lot of the things she said- in regards to lady Quinella's orders.

"You know Selka wouldn't mind teaching you... we're your sisters, if there's anything you need help with, we'll always be here." Alice advised. She ended up helping Eugeo with placing books back on the shelf, she clearly hadn't finished declaring her intentions. "Is there something you need help with?" She added.

Eugeo felt a sigh escape him, then quickly regained his display. It was improper of a prince to act so lethargic.

"No, I apologise, I just don't find interest in dark magic as I do in primal magic." He explained, his head was starting to hurt- this conversation will end up going in circles if he didn't end it soon. "It's not important- plus, lady Quinella has allowed me to start training with the sword- I wouldn't have time to learn dark magic as well."

Alice gave a firm nod, placing the last book on the shelf.

"Well, alright. Sword fighting would probably suit you more than dark magic anyway, your soul is too kind for such darkness." Alice had a warm smile on her face, she was such an understanding sister to Eugeo- it often made him feel guilty. "I'll see you at dinner, Eugeo." She finished, and gave a polite bow.

Eugeo watched as she left the library, and he was tempted to pick up his books again- however he chose against it when he noticed the time. It wasn't long till dinner, and he probably had servants searching for him- the damning of being royalty meant dressing up for every meal.

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