Chapter 11

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The palace was silent as Eugeo lay still on his bed. He was waiting for the right time to leave and go to the meeting point Fanatio had told him to go to.

He was nervous, to say the very least, about what Fanatio and Alice had in store for him. It was regarding recent events too, with Kirito... This could be some kind of set up.

However, Eugeo doubted that very much. Fanatio had been very kind to him, and Alice was his sister. He hated to play favourites in this, but Alice seems to be a lot more supportive to Eugeo than Selka was. Alice was always taking his side in arguments, and trying to see his view on things... He truly does thank Alice for all the things she's done- even though she doesn't know she's had an impact.

Eugeo forced his eyes open, he couldn't afford to accidentally fall asleep right now- especially with all these questions whirling around his head. He let his eyes drift slowly around the room, taking in the faint shadows that were cast from a single candle. He listened intently for any movement outside his door. Luckily for him, Quinella was 'kind' enough not to completely lock Eugeo in his chambers. He was still allowed to wander the palace grounds- but only with permission. Though he doubts Quinella expected him to go walking around at night...

After waiting a few more minutes, and checking multiple times that there was no sound out in the hallway- Eugeo pushed himself off the bed.

He scrambled around quietly, pulling on a pair of socks and wrapping himself in a cloak. His chambers were cold, so that must mean the gardens were even colder... this was the only time he was thankful for having such a thick, ugly cloak.

He took a few weary steps towards the door, his heart picking up in pace as he realised what he was doing. Quinella was not going to take this lightly if she found out- Eugeo sneaking out of his chambers in the depths of the night will surely raise suspicion. It would probably be the same for Alice, if she was caught sneaking out she'd have a similar fate- though considering certain, recent events, Eugeo's punishment would be worse.

He took a deep breath and reached a shaky hand towards the handle. Once skin hit cold metal, he twisted the knob and began his journey through the hallways.

His footsteps were muffled by the carpet on the floor, though the silence made it seem as if they were louder than they really were, creating an obnoxious sound. His breathing was as equally loud- though all this remained an illusion to Eugeo alone.

Taking a right, he began to descend the flight of stairs which lead straight to the garden's entrance. At the end of the hallway was a small, simple door- probably the most natural-looking thing in this whole palace- and beyond it was the place he would get all of his answers.


Eugeo sat alone on one of the benches, it was pushed up against one of the many hedgerows, making it unseen to people unless they entered the small flower patch.

He was beginning to have doubts, that this could all be some kind of trap. Fanatio is a royal guard, after all, she serves the queen, not the prince. Why would she risk her duty as a guard to help him? And of Alice? Is she truly on his side or was everything she had done for him a trick?

He didn't know what to think, and the longer he sat there getting cold, the longer he had time to worry.

There was the sound of footsteps rushing past behind the hedgerow Eugeo was sat by- snapping him out of his thoughts so he could focus on the sound.

It didn't sound like someone was running in armour, the footsteps were soft. Was it Fanatio or Alice?

Eugeo didn't know what to think, and instead of making him a possible target of getting caught, he stood up and went to the far end of the stone bench. He let himself crouch down, hiding behind one of the armrests. He kept his eyes on both entrances of the flower patch, his breath becoming slow and steady so he could concentrate.

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