Chapter 3

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"Royal balls are such a bore, aren't they?" Selka whined, pulling at her dress slightly.

Eugeo sighed, shaking his head.

"This one is important, we have to meet the princess I am to be wed to." He said.

It was a nerve-wracking evening so far, Lady Quinella had pulled this ball out of the blue. She claimed that she had been planning it for months, but that didn't really make sense.

She had told Eugeo that the marriage proposition was fairly recent, so either she had been keeping the idea from him until it was almost time for this royal ball- or she had really been successful in starting such an event so short notice.

"...How are you feeling about that?" Selka asked, she seemed to be the most concerned about this wedding that was supposed to happen. Although she hadn't spoken her mind yet.

"I feel... okay. I haven't met her yet, but I have heard great things. She would make a good wife, I am sure." Eugeo replied. He still felt weird, thinking about having a wife at such a young age. Even if it would be months from now...

"Yes I agree... but that is not what I meant. Do you actually want to get married?" She said, her voice low.

Eugeo fumbled around with one of his necklaces- he hadn't really given his own opinion much thought. He believed that the kingdom and Lady Quinella's wishes should go before him.

In truth, no. He wasn't ready to get married yet. He didn't feel like making a life commitment at this young of an age, he hadn't even had a partner before. He had no experience with love, or being loved- romantically- so he was afraid.

Why did he have to get thrown into such a life? The people in the city probably have a lot more experience than he does with every day emotions. There are probably children as young as twelve, who have loved and gotten their hearts broken.

Why didn't he get his heart broken at a young age? Why didn't he get to experience these things?

He has heard stories- that heartbreak makes you the person you are today. Makes you a stronger person- that it is better to have loved and lost... than to have never loved at all.

Eugeo didn't want to get his heart broken without having experienced it yet... but, was that really something to wish for? He's heard it can really hurt a person...

"Selka, Eugeo! It is time, royalty is arriving. We must get into position." Alice had popped her head round the corner, she was wearing a beautiful dress- similar to Selka's- adorned in Katolis' colours. She was also wearing a mask, Eugeo had almost forgotten that it was a masquerade...

"Already? Oh, now isn't the time for me to feel nervous!" Selka smiled, grabbing Eugeo's hand. Alice walked towards him, placing a white mask over the top half of his face. It would have completely covered his eyes too, if not for two holes that allowed him to see.

All in all, this was just another way of keeping Eugeo secret. The citizens of Katolis were allowed to attend the ball, as long as Eugeo kept his appearance hidden. That meant his face and hair should not be visible.

Selka began to pull him along, and they followed Alice to the thrones that were placed at the end of the ballroom.

There were already a lot of people there- royalty from other kingdoms, and the royal guard had even been allowed to attend. There were also many citizens, who had dressed and masked up specifically for the occasion. Eugeo recognised some of the market vendors within the crowd, and felt a little nervous.

He didn't want them to recognise him.

Eugeo felt himself getting pushed into his seat, and watched as Lady Quinella hovered above him.

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